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Articles on Disability

Displaying 461 - 480 of 534 articles

Nursing homes are not set up or resourced to facilitate the independence of younger residents. The Summer Foundation

Nursing homes are no place for young people with disabilities

More than 7,000 young Australians with disabilities are forced to live in nursing homes because they’re unable to find suitable accommodation that meets their needs. But this may be about to change.
He is in a wheelchair, she has multiple sclerosis, but their neighbours know Grzegorz and Magda as a loving couple. Flickr/Dominik Golenia/In sickness and in health

Love and disability: ‘inter-ability relationships’ conquer stereotypes

Our notions of what makes a person a desirable ‘love interest’ are often superficial and involve an element of deception. For someone with a severe disability, finding love is even more complicated
Makies was the first company to respond to the #ToyLikeMe social media campaign. Image courtesy of MyMakie

Disability and dolls: #ToyLikeMe is a mark of progress

Makies, the #toyslikeme campaign and the broader focus on disability in digital spaces show we are in the midst of a significant shift towards an inclusive world view of disability.
Stella Young, the late disability activist in whose name TEDx Sydney launched #stellaschallenge. AAP Image/Supplied

Doing justice to disability: the upside of TEDx’s Stella bungle

TEDx Sydney launched a campaign to initiate conversations around disability in the name of the late campaigner Stella Young. The project was ill-conceived but it points to the need for listening closely to people with disabilities.
Unlike other chronic diseases, targeted spending on mental health care keeps people in the prime of their lives in the workforce. Sebastian Gauert/Shutterstock

Mental health care spending saves money, and that’s worth investing in

There’s a growing disconnect between grassroots awareness of mental illness and decisive action towards providing the full spectrum of care for those in need.
Independent medical assessments can exacerbate poor health in those with already complex health conditions. Rob Byron/Shutterstock

Extra medical tests for disability support can make health worse

Tightening of eligibility requirements for the disability support pension started before today’s release of the McClure report. And the government is already on the wrong track.
State and territory regulators need to start gearing up to meet the growth. Jaren Jai Wicklund/Shutterstock

Four lessons the NDIS must heed to avoid a ‘pink batts’ disaster

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is revolutionising the provision of services to Australians with disabilities. The cornerstone of the scheme is its demand-side reforms: people with disabilities…
Disclosing mental illness in the office can be difficult. But it doesn’t need to be. Image of office worker via KieferPix/Shutterstock

Risk and respect – what to know about disclosing mental illness at work

Deciding to disclose information about a non-obvious disability at work is complicated and potentially risky, no matter what you do for a living. For people with a mental health issue, like bipolar disorder…
Aunty Gayle Rankine, chairperson of the First Peoples Disability Network, is the subject of a portrait from Unfinished Business, a photographic project by Belinda Mason. Belinda Mason/Unfinished Business

Indigenous Australians can take pride in disability policy gains

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPWD), December 3, is important for commemorating the successes and efforts of the disability rights movement. The theme this year is Sustainable Development…
For sighted users, a website looks no different whether it is accessible or not, but users with visual disabilities know all too soon when they are unable to use it. Coles home page screenshot

Oh the irony! Retailers blind to discrimination and lost business

A blind woman has launched a claim of unlawful discrimination against Coles and its online website. For those of us who are totally blind and working in the disability law space this lawsuit is no surprise…
About one in ten people released from prison has an intellectual disability. Jes

Caring for ex-prisoners under the NDIS would save money and lives

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) promises to deliver better support to the one in five Australians living with a disability. But what about those inside prison or who have just left prison…

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