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Articles on Disability

Displaying 441 - 460 of 534 articles

Old age is often associated with a reduction in abilities and the denial of human rights. shutterstock

Do the ravages of age create a case for UN protection?

The reluctance by many to accept or even debate the intersection between old age and disability highlights how society struggles to construct differences in ability.
Despite the signing of agreements with NSW and Victoria to roll out the NDIS, many people with disability will still need much better supported housing options. AAP/Lukas Coch

Bringing the NDIS home: smarter housing design for people with disability

As the NDIS roll-out begins, Australia faces a housing shortfall affecting up to 122,000 participants. Developing smart technology and design offers more independent living for people with disability.
Cerebral palsy can involve skeletal deformities, muscle stiffness or weakness and uncontrolled movements. arindambanerjee/Shutterstock

Explainer: what causes cerebral palsy and can it be prevented?

The single diagnosis of cerebral palsy covers a wide range of conditions with many different contributing factors that interact in varying ways.
A board shake-up offers the Abbott government the opportunity to be visionary through implementing the NDIS’s spirit and intent. shutterstock

Stop, go back, the NDIS board shake-up is going the wrong way

The NDIS is a social policy reform that, at its heart, requires an understanding of the lived experience of people with disability.

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