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Articles on Polling

Displaying 161 - 172 of 172 articles

A paper-thin victory may be the best these two can hope for. Stefan Rousseau/PA

Will Britain be governable after the election?

With parliament closed, the election campaign is now in full swing and it looks increasingly unlikely that either will win outright. A recent meeting of election forecasters concluded that the UK is heading…
Coal seam gas has proved a hot topic ahead of the NSW election, not only on the campaign trail but also on social media, where a ‘social mood reader’ can reveal the depth of community feeling. NewZulu/Tony Markham/AAP

Finding new ways to track voters’ moods, beyond polls and punters

Beyond polls and betting markets, how else can we gauge how people feel ahead of future elections? Social media is a goldmine, and one of the newer ways to tap into it is with a “social mood reader”.
No one gets to make themselves at home in this house. ** Maurice **/Flickr

How to predict the outcome of a general election

If most commentators are right, the 2015 general election is likely to be one of the most unpredictable and exciting polls of the post-war period. The dramatic rise in support for UKIP in England, the…
Tons of social media there for the taking… but is it truly representative of real life? Jürgen Pfeffer

Studying society via social media is not so simple

Behavioral scientists have seized on social media and their massive data sets as a way to quickly and cheaply figure out what people are thinking and doing. But some of those tweets and thumbs ups can…
See? Some people still like him. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Voter survey shows Miliband panic is overblown

There is a wobble going on in the Labour party over Ed Miliband’s leadership. A number of Labour backbenchers are said to be becoming increasingly nervous about retaining their seats in next year’s general…
The ALP’s re-election chances hinge on the results in a number of marginal seats across Australia. AAP/Dave Hunt

By the seat of their pants: can Labor squeak it?

If the polls are accurate and Labor is almost at level pegging with the Coalition, it would seem we are in for a repeat of the very close election of 2010. But for various reasons this is not necessarily…

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