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Articles on Sex

Displaying 221 - 240 of 451 articles


Sex: why we need to research it more post #MeToo

We need to know more about what is going on for women in sex – what makes them suffer and what gives them pleasure.
Media portrayals of sexuality often focus on a visual and verbal vocabulary that is young, white, cisgender, heterosexual and…not disabled. from

Sex, technology and disability – it’s complicated

People with disabilities face barriers to sexual expression. New technologies can help, but we need to look at both the opportunities and risks these developments bring.
New research suggests that midlife Canadians struggle with a variety of sexual problems, with low desire reported as most common for both men and women. (Shutterstock)

Midlife sex problems? New research says you’re not alone

Low libido, problems ejaculating, vaginal pain – these problems are common for midlife Canadians, and some of them are way more likely if you’re married.
Pope Paul VI banned contraception for Catholics in the 1968 encyclical, “Humanae Vitae.” AP Photo/Jim Pringle

How the Catholic Church came to oppose birth control

July marks 50 years of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical prohibiting contraceptive use. For many years prior to it, the church had not been so explicit on its stance. How did it become such a thorny issue?
A worker paints make-up on the faces of sex dolls in a factory in China. ALEKSANDAR PLAVEVSKI/AAP

From stone dildos to sexbots: how technology is changing sex

The use of technology to enhance sexual pleasure is ancient. Now advances in AI have led to more lifelike sex dolls hitting the market – but sex robots aren’t the only innovations on the horizon.
There are now many gender categorizations, from the traditional ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ to ‘gender fluid’ and ‘undifferentiatied.’ Health researchers can work with these to gain a more accurate understanding of disease susceptibilities. (Shutterstock)

Sex and gender both shape your health, in different ways

Bigender, gender fluid, cisgender? Emerging gender categorizations are important – for your health.
Women’s sexual pleasure has not been stressed as much as men’s. Lucky Business/

The orgasm gap: Picking up where the sexual revolution left off

The sexual revolution made it acceptable for women to have premarital sex. Yet, an orgasm gap remains. Addressing the cultural forces driving this gap has social implications beyond pleasure itself.

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