Autonomous AI is still designed by people − so who or what is really responsible for its actions? For centuries, theologians have posed similar questions about mankind and God.
Human Rights Watch has sounded the alarm over Australian children’s images found in a huge data set used to train AI models. It could be a breach of our privacy law.
Police efforts to sort through online child sexual exploitation material are being hampered by the rise in AI-generated imagery. Here’s how they’re working to combat the problem.
Tools such as ChatGPT dominate the conversation around AI in schools. But with teachers looking to meet Indigenous content requirements, using generative AI could do more harm than good.
Companies and hiring agencies are increasingly resorting to AI-enabled tools in recruitment. How they’re used can significantly impact an individual’s perception of the organisation.
The public release of the chatbot has led to a global conversation about the risks and benefits of AI – a conversation few people were having just a few years ago.
Understanding how deepfakes can be used as a tool for misogyny is an important first step in considering the harms they will likely cause, including through school cyberbullying.
AI poses a variety of ethical conundrums, but the NASA teams working on Mars rovers exemplify an ethic of care and human-robot teamwork that could act as a blueprint for AI’s future.
It’s hard to remember life before Google, when the closest thing to it was your local librarian. Soon the search engine will be offering AI-based summaries in its search results.
Large language models are becoming increasingly capable of imitating human-like responses, creating opportunities to test social science theories on a larger scale and with much greater speed.