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Articles on Employees

Displaying 161 - 180 of 190 articles

Bad leaders are bad news – for their followers and for the world as a whole. Shutterstock

Global leadership is in crisis – it’s time to stop the rot

There’s a widening global crisis in the legitimacy and credibility of leadership. It can be attributed to five sources: unable; unintelligent; immature; immoral and/or destructive leadership.
The practice of looking up a future employees’ social media account is widespread but the use of such profiling is blurring the lines between private and public life. Dan Peled/AAP

Is your employer watching you? Online profiling blurs the boundary of our public and private lives

Employers are increasingly using potential employees’ social media accounts to determine their suitability for jobs. A new study finds employees are uncomfortable with this but accept the practice.
Professor Allan Fels is calling for the Senate to reopen its inquiry into compensation for underpaid 7-Eleven workers. Dan Peled/AAP

Can 7-Eleven be trusted to clean up its own mess?

7-Eleven’s decision to take charge of the compensation process for underpaid workers highlights the problems with voluntary commitments and underlines the need for increased legal accountability.
The rise of subcontracting and franchises has allowed employers to enjoy the profits without the responsibility. shutterstock

Why the death of employment is a dead idea

While there has been a rise in contracting out and ‘disruptors’ such as Uber, employment is an will remain the dominant method of business operation in a capitalist setting.
Regardless of the channels through which it is done, most employees want to have a say in how their workplaces are run. Shutterstock

They’re the voice: how workers can be heard when unions are on the wane

Even though union membership has dropped to just 15%, unions still have an important role to play in ensuring that workers have meaningful input into how their workplaces are run.
There are definite costs of mental illness in the workplace but the return on investment in a mentally healthy workplace can be a big boost to the bottom line. Rob/flickr

Australians are spending more on mental health services and employers need to take notice

New data shows Australians are spending more on mental health services and with costs to business in the millions, it’s time employers realised good mental health is good for the bottom line too.

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