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Articles on National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN)

Displaying 41 - 60 of 77 articles

Emmanuel Macron was the winner of the first round of the French presidental election. Eric Feferberg/AFP

French election: how the vote came to be so split

The first round of the presidential election has left French citizens and politicians divided – and the top candidates’ four-way split doesn’t favour governance of the country.
Emmanuel Macron at a campagn event in Bercy, April 17. Eric Feferberg/AFP

The voice of youth at the ballot box: lost or unheard?

François Hollande promised to make France’s youth a priority, but was a disappointment to them. While current candidates often showcase young supporters, will they have a voice after the election?
A road sign marks the start of the Elysee street near the Elysee Palace, the French President’s official residence, in Paris. Vincent Kessler/Reuters

Why the French election is a pivotal test for Europe

Europe has had a number of important elections over the past year, but for the EU none is as significant – or as potentially grave – as France’s upcoming presidential election.
The opportunity for emerging political figures to make their mark is considerable. The Conversation

Five political leaders to watch in 2017

Here are five political leaders from around the world who are emerging as significant talents and possible contenders for influence in 2017 and beyond.
Soldiers patrol on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, July 18, 2016. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard

It’s time for us to admit we’re afraid of terrorism

The far right isn’t afraid to admit to fear in the wake of brutal attacks like the one in Nice. More mainstream politicians would be wise to follow suit.
Marine Le Pen’s awful night may be a blessing in disguise. Reuters/Yves Herman

Has France really seen the back of the Front National?

After storming the first round of France’s regional elections, Marine Le Pen’s far-right party has been humiliated. But all is not lost.
Leader of the Front National, Marine le Pen, the morning after her party’s strong showing in the first round of regional elections. Pascal Rossignol/Reuters

France’s Front National: an anti-regional party at heart

France’s extreme-right party has national ambitions, but its lead in the first round of local elections puts it in direct contradiction with its long-proclaimed ideology.

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