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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6301 - 6325 of 7440 articles

Trade Minister Craig Emerson is committed to pursuing a free trade agenda at the Doha Development Round. But will other countries follow suit? AAP

Can Australia revive the Doha Development Agenda?

Australian Trade Minister Craig Emerson’s opinion piece in The Weekend Australian, titled “Doha is no dodo as it takes off on new flight path”, brings new enthusiasm and life to the Doha Development Agenda…
The same day tourism professionals gathered to hear a glowing report from Tourism Australia, Qantas dumped its promotional sponsorship with the national body.

By dumping Tourism Australia deal, Qantas hands a golden opportunity to Virgin

One week ago, two very different groups gathered in two different cities to talk about tourism. In Sydney, more than 250 industry professionals were being briefed by Tourism Australia chief Andrew McEvoy…
After launching with fanfare less than two years ago, News Corporation’s iPad newspaper, The Daily, will close after failing to attract a large enough audience. AAP

The Daily didn’t work, but it’s not the end for news on tablets

The Daily was launched in February 2011 to great fanfare. It was the first iPad only newspaper (although it did have a web mirror but that was just for sharing). It had a simple price, $1 per week, and…
The growth in high-frequency trading and the changing nature of dark liquidity in equities markets have prompted ASIC to release new rules for market integrity. AAP

Making sense of ASIC’s new rules on dark liquidity and high-frequency trading

The Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation recently announced new ASIC Market Integrity Rules to address the growth in automated trading and the changing nature of dark liquidity in equities…
Previously close, Qantas CEO Alan Joyce and Tourism Australia chairman Geoff Dixon are now at loggerheads after Joyce withdrew $44 million funding from TA. But Joyce is determined his positioning strategy for Qantas won’t be disrupted. AAP

Will tourist operators end up getting lost in Qantas/TA face-off?

Qantas CEO Alan Joyce is a master of brinkmanship. The withdrawal of $44 million of marketing support to Tourism Australia based on the perception of a conflict of interest with the board chairman, Geoff…
A cut in Australia’s cash rate tomorrow has been factored in by most economic practitioners, but Shadow Board academics are split over whether it should. AAP

Academics v practitioners: split views within the Shadow Board

Many economists think the RBA Board will cut the cash rate this month. With commodity prices projected to be weakening, financial markets suggest a rate cut is likely. Mind you, many practitioners suggested…
Prime minister Julia Gillard takes an electricity pricing reform package to COAG this week - but could the answer be in addressing congestion pricing for the network? AAP

Congestion power pricing might provide an answer to network gold plating

Electricity network pricing has been a hot topic in the last six months. The key issues have been regulation and demand side management. On regulation, Prime Minister Julia Gillard is taking a package…
Warnings of a drop in Australia’s real GDP per capita - a measure of living standards - still provide a stark contrast to Greece, where the real GDP per capita is likely to be 25% lower in 2013 than in 2008. AAP

Do dire warnings of falling living standards add up to need for tax reform?

Last week, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in a preliminary version of its 2012 Economic Outlook lowered its growth forecasts for Australia from 3.7% to 3.0% in 2013. This…
White, monolingual, male: the make up of many of Australia’s ASX companies fail to reflect our cultural and gender diversity. AAP

To engage with Asia, we must be multicultural in more than name

The recent Ethnic Business Awards were a celebration of entrepreneurship, pioneering and determination and above all the immense contribution that our migrant population has made to a better Australia…
Google’s tax-minimisation strategy is causing problems for the Australian Taxation Office. AAP

Digital disruption is eroding Australia’s tax base

It might well have been a case of a stopped clock being right twice a day, but on the very day I had an article in The Conversation called Giant profits, tiny tax bills: time to close loopholes on corporate…
Trade minister Craig Emerson met with India’s minister for Commerce and Industry Dr Anand Sharma at free trade talks earlier this year - but don’t expect trading links to accelerate in the next decade.

Increasing our trade relationship with India will not be so simple

Ongoing efforts on the part of the Australian government to deepen ties with India are well known. The recent Asian Century White Paper frequently couples China and India in its analyses, which suggests…
Will the opening of the Galilee Basin undermine Queensland’s economic and environmental future? AAP

Why the Galilee Basin is worth worrying about

The Galilee Basin is a massive Queensland coal basin on the verge of being opened up for the first time. If it goes ahead as anticipated, there will be a host of significant impacts ranging from the local…
The endorsement of a common national definition of bullying is a welcome start - but the responsible statutory agencies will need substantial resoources. Image sourced from

National bullying definition is a welcome start - now let’s act

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Education and Employment’s inquiry into workplace bullying has delivered some important recommendations which should now be enacted. The endorsement of…
Three recent reports into productivity highlight differing issues but agree that targeting industrial reform is not the key to lifting outputs. Image sourced from

Changing work practices alone will not boost productivity

The Australian Government’s recently released white paper on Australia in the Asian Century identified productivity as one of five key areas for action, at a time when we are engaged in a major national…
Media regulator ACMA is wise to opt for a reserve price in the upcoming digital dividends auction. Images sourced from

Why setting the floor price for digital dividends auction is the right approach

Last week’s directive from Communications Minister Stephen Conroy to the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to postpone setting the reserve prices for the upcoming digital dividends auction…
China’s economic miracle will see it become the world’s greatest financial power; but it critical for the country’s new leaders to ensure its workers aren’t left behind. AAP

China’s economic miracle is close to fruition, but what now for workers?

China’s Communist Party has overseen an economic miracle over the past 20 years, but they are now facing the consequences of becoming the fastest growing economy on the planet. With China’s GDP now standing…
History suggests privatisation of the electricity industry is not such a bright idea. Image from

Why we should pull the plug on privatising electricity

Surging power prices are having savage consequences for household discretionary incomes. Some would blame the government’s carbon tax, but the real culprit is price gouging. Judging from the pronouncements…
Governments, at all levels, have either increasingly sold out to narrow vested interests, or sought ways to minimise transparency, accountability and responsibility. Flickr/Restricteddata

‘Not seen by the Minister’: how lack of probity clouds our democracy

Our democracy depends on accountability and transparency: but are Australians being shortchanged on both? In our fifth and final piece in our Barangaroo series, John Hewson, Honorary fellow at the Crawford…
When it comes to IT products, Australian consumers pay more than their American counterparts. AAP

When the price is not right: technology price gouging in Australia

Apple Inc. has often portrayed itself as the champion of consumers, with its advertising campaigns on “1984”, “Think Different”, and “Rip, Mix, Burn”. However, this reputation has been called into question…