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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

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What does 3D printing mean for Australian copyright law? Wikipedia Commons

Creation and copyright law: the case of 3D printing

The Australian Law Reform Commission is conducting an inquiry into copyright law and the digital economy in 2012 and 2013.The President, Rosalind Croucher, stated: “While the Copyright Act has been amended…
Australian social enterprise STREAT is using crowdfunding to raise $80,000 for a youth training café in Melbourne. Flickr

Explainer: What is crowdfunding?

Businesses and NGOs mainly rely on traditional approaches to fundraising. But in recent times, both sectors have shown significant interest and had great success in the adoption of crowdfunding as a contemporary…
Will ‘History of Financial Crises’ education really do anything to curb risk taking behaviour? shutterstock

Financial crises 101 could provide lessons for all

The chairman of the Australian government’s Financial Sector Advisory Council, Paul Binsted, believes that bankers who have experienced financial crises are more cautious about taking risks. However, short…
French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici (left) and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble can agree on one thing: a financial transaction tax. AAP

Europe has more to lose than to gain from a financial transaction tax

At a meeting in Luxembourg last week, the finance ministers of 11 members of the European Union (Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain) agreed…
A quarter of retirees are using their superannuation lump sum to pay off debt: is this poor planning or the result of tax incentives?

For retirees, nothing is certain but debt and taxes

Will extra debt neutralise increases in the superannuation contribution rate? Studies of retirees’ financial positions show that many people accumulate debt faster than they add to their super. Once they…
The CAMA Shadow Board believes the Reserve Bank of Australia should leave the cash rate unaltered. AAP

Interest rates should stay put

The Reserve Bank of Australia should leave the cash rate unchanged tomorrow, with little evidence suggesting an interest rate cut is justified, according to members of the CAMA Shadow Board. The Shadow…
With the government embroiled in an argument about how the level of car subsidies it pays, it’s time for a cost-benefit analysis that factors in the industry’s economic flow-on effects.

Concentrating on the costs of the car industry means we are failing to see the benefits

There are four facts we have all become aware of in the past few days – if not months – regarding car manufacturing subsidies. Fact 1: A lot of money has been given to Australian car manufacturers over…
How much is enough to compensate someone who is about to die for allowing someone else to financially benefit from their death? leiris202/Flickr

Death and the market: the peculiar dealings of Joseph Caramadre

Is profiting from the deaths of others wrong? In an interview on This American Life, Joseph Caramadre maintains it’s not. At least, he says, “Not if it’s done morally, ethically, and legally.” This month…
We’ve been told our incomes should grow in the Asian century; but first we need a “soft” landing from the heights of our resources boom and more sustainable ways of growing our economy. Dmitri Ometsinsky/

Ross Garnaut: will the Asian Century reboot our debate on growth?

The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper is the first large-scale official look in the 21st Century at economic change in Asia and how it affects Australian opportunities and challenges. It is ambitious…
The NSW Auditor-General has revealed discrepancies totalling $1 billion in Barry O'Farrell’s coalition June budget.

Back in the black but redfaced: NSW Government accounting under scrutiny

New South Wales taxpayers could well be wondering whether the news that the state’s finances are in surplus - rather than deficit - is good news or bad. The state’s Auditor-General Peter Achterstaat has…
Does Australia’s company tax rate place a significant impost on local businesses? shutterstock

Australia’s company tax ‘burden’ is just a myth

Treasurer Swan could reduce the headline corporate tax rate from its current 30% rate to just over 15%, with virtually no consequences for government tax revenue with one simple piece of legislation: simply…
Hopes and anxieties: the US’ approach to China’s economy is often tempered by its foreign policy outlook. AAP

The US must walk the tightrope of ambiguity on China policy

When I taught foreign policy in the United States, my students would often answer one question incorrectly, albeit in a way that speaks to a larger truth about US foreign policy. In lecturing on President…
Virgin Australia has announced a series of deals that will see it take a controlling stake in low cost carrier Tiger Airways.

Virgin Australia gains low-cost and regional foothold

Virgin Australia has announced a series of deals which will see it sell a 10% stake to Singapore Airlines, gain a 60% share in low-cost carrier Tiger Airways Australia and challenge the dominance of Qantas…
Paucity of detail on foreign policy indicates the Federal Government’s approach to the Asian Century is more about using Asia as a foil to promote domestic reforms.

Asian Century White Paper is a foreign policy fail, but not by accident

For a policy document purporting to map out future directions for Australia in the so-called “Asian Century”, the recently released White Paper pays remarkably scant regard to foreign policy. Several chapters…
The Asian Century White Paper offers a lot of grand rhetoric, but little in the way of serious policy ideas. AAP

Asian Century White Paper is big on rhetoric, small on ideas

The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper has vaulting ambitions equally matched by a limited set of policy ideas for institutional reform. Unlike Ross Garnaut’s 1989 report, Australia and the Northeast…
Despite the lack of any substantial reform, last week was quite a big week for Australia’s tax system.

Company tax and the limits of politics

Last week was quite a big week in tax, although when the dust had settled it was not clear what — if anything — had really happened. First, the Treasurer announced in the Mid Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook…
The Business Tax Working Group failed to reach a consensus on how to fund a lower corporate tax rate. Image from

A lost opportunity for business tax reform

The release by the Business Tax Working Group of the Draft Final Report represents a lost opportunity for business tax reform. The Group dumped its original broader base, lower rate, revenue neutral approach…
The Gillard government has pared back the baby bonus for second and higher order children from $5000 to $3000. Flickr\Brandon Doran

Time to put baby bonus myths to bed

The Gillard government’s plan to cut the baby bonus for second and subsequent children from $5000 to $3000 from July 1 2013 raises issues of equity and demographic change. Some have welcomed what they…
Are short sellers heroes or villains of financial markets? Image from

Explainer: what is short selling?

Short sellers are often portrayed by the media to be the villains of the financial markets. They are usually presented as evil traders that drive down the prices of good companies. However, the academic…
The key to corporate social responsibility lies in encouraging individual action and integrity. source: shutterstock.

Integrity pays dividends: the case for minding your own business

The first decade of the 21st century has heightened interest in the ethical and social positioning of companies. However, one of the real dilemmas associated with the movement toward more “corporate social…
Roger Corbett told shareholders at today’s AGM that Fairfax Media was in good stead for the future, despite the price of the company’s stock falling by half its value since the beginning of the year. AAP

Fairfax’s strategy for ‘structural change’ does little to shake that sinking feeling

The Fairfax Media AGM took place in Melbourne today against a backdrop of financial meltdown in the company’s fortunes. The share price — currently at 38 cents — has halved since the beginning of the year…