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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 6401 - 6425 of 7440 articles

Is there such thing as an ethical finance system? Proponents of Islamic finance believe so. Image from

Can Islamic finance provide salvation for the banking sector?

Islamic finance has grown and expanded rapidly in recent years. It was recently announced that, following in the footsteps of some of its European neighbours, Germany will soon have its first Islamic bank…
Wind and solar power appears to have been behind a drop in wholesale power prices in South Australia, leading to a proposal to reduce retail prices for consumers.

Power of the wind - how renewables are lowering SA electricity bills

Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power appear to be the impetus behind a South Australian proposal to substantially drop electricity prices, just as other states are hiking theirs. The Essential…
Spain’s Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, is under pressure to formally request a bailout from the European Central Bank. AAP

Spain at the crossroads: should it opt for a bailout?

Up until fairly recently, Spain was a story of economic success. It was an example of how the periphery of Europe was quickly catching up with the core. Between 1995 and 2007, Spanish real GDP grew at…
Sweet victory: Cadbury now has the right to the trademark for the distinctive shade of purple it uses for the packaging of its chocolate. AAP

Trademark victory allows Cadbury to retain its purple reign

Can you own a colour, a name, or a sound? Those questions have been highlighted again in the UK, where there has been another outbreak of litigation about “Cadbury Purple”. Australian trademark law, like…
The ABC has claimed a mobile application called Python I-View contravenes its terms of use - but what are the copyright implications? AAP

Python-iView: copyright crusader or vigilante operative?

The ABC recently raised eyebrows when it wrote a cease-and-desist letter to Python i-View, a mobile application which allowed viewers of ABC’s popular iview to download and playback its content later on…
People power: organisations can set themselves apart by effectively engaging with their short-term and long-term employees. Image from

Short-term gain or long-term pain? Finding HR solutions for a flexible workforce

A recent conference organised by the Australasian Talent Conference, Contingent - the new perm, puts an interesting spin on the need to develop more effective and efficient organisations. Its focus is…
Relieved: Fortescue Metals Chairman Andrew Forrest wins his High Court appeal - but the message to ASIC is the need for greater transparency. AAP

Sharp message to ASIC as Forrest wins High Court appeal

Fortescue Metals Chairman Andrew Forrest can breathe a huge sigh of relief after winning his High Court appeal against a Federal Court finding that might have seen him banned as a company director. The…
The GST is off-limits for both political parties, but a restructure could result in an increase in national productivity and incomes. Image from

Reforming GST is the key to productivity growth

With appropriate investment in design and explanation, a larger GST reform package could be one of the most effective and easiest options to help reverse Australia’s lagging productivity growth. Changes…
It might seem like a natural corporate fit, but will politics get in the way of the merger between defence behemoths BAE Systems and EADS? AAP

Arms deals: making sense of the EADS-BAE super merger

It would be the world’s largest aerospace and defence contractor. Bigger than Lockheed Martin. Bigger than Northrop Grumman. And even bigger than the current global No. 1 defence corporation, Boeing. The…
There are as many compelling reasons for the Reserve Bank to cut interest rates as there are to leave them unchanged. AAP

RBA should hold steady on interest rates — but when should it cut?

Predicting the Reserve Bank’s interest rate decision for October appears to be particularly tough for economic commentators. A decline in iron ore prices, compounded with a stubbornly high dollar, has…
Australia’s housing and rental affordability crisis is often cited as a justification for negative gearing. AAP

It’s time to abolish negative gearing

Few Australian housing policies are more contentious than negative gearing. Despite the publicity it has received and its popularity with government and property investors, little analysis of negative…
ANU vice-chancellor Ian Young says those giving away course content for free will find it difficult to later introduce fees. AAP

ANU vice-chancellor issues MOOCs warning

Australian universities should be wary of being their “own worst enemy” when embracing Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) delivery, says Australian National University vice chancellor Ian Young. Comparing…
Australians from skilled trades or professions are the most likely to find a niche in the ageing workforce. Nurse image from

Grey expectations, or a silver lining? The challenges facing older workers

Welcome to Shades of Grey, a series from The Conversation that examines the challenges posed by Australia’s ageing workforce. Today, Adjunct Associate Professor Margaret Patrickson from the University…
The lowering of the tax-free threshold on online purchases is stomping on the long tail of retail. DGaston7564

Online GST push places an unfair burden on pop culture lovers

Will the long tail of the internet be docked by the fastidious imposition of GST to online purchases? Australian retailers have been lobbying the federal government to up the ante on online GST by lowering…
Many older people already want to work longer but encounter barriers to doing so. Image from

It’s time to redefine the traditional working age

Welcome to Shades of Grey, a series from The Conversation that examines the challenges posed by Australia’s ageing workforce. Today, Rafal Chomik, a Senior Research Fellow at UNSW’s ARC Centre of Excellence…
Might come back to bite: the Federal Government is developing a retail government bonds market, but there are structures that would work better. Flickr/Matthew_Roberts

Tail wags dog in retail government bond market development?

Most investors don’t know (or care) much about the mechanics of how the ownership of securities they buy is transferred and recorded in the back-office activities (clearing and settlement) of financial…
The future of advertising: Coca Cola have launched an Australian campaign as part of their joint venture with music streaming service, Spotify. Flickr/Sorosh

The new world of advertising is here, so listen on Spotify and have a Coke

The Australian launch of a joint venture campaign between soft drink behemoth Coca Cola with Swedish music streaming service Spotify and Universal Music, represents the new world of advertising. The “Share…
The banks have pulled the plug on loss-making company Gunns after it announced a $904 million loss. Image from

Timber giant Gunns felled by the ‘perfect storm’

Forestry company Gunns has been entered into voluntary administration after posting a $904 million loss today. Tough economic conditions, including a high Australian dollar and falling woodchip prices…
Is Gerry Harvey feeling the heat over his online retail strategy - or are his comments simply a reflection of playing to several audiences? AAP

You talkin’ to me? Gerry Harvey’s one-man, online retail debate

Gerry Harvey is great media talent. When I first became interested in online retail, I almost immediately became interested in Gerry. As far back as 2000, Gerry told ninemsn on a live chat forum “that…