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Artículos sobre Depression

Mostrando 541 - 560 de 747 artículos

Many people have turned to Adele in times of trouble. But for people with the symptoms of clinical depression, sad music can do more harm than good. Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Sad music and depression: does it help?

Plenty of people listen to sad music to make themselves feel better. But new research shows that for people with depression, it can do the opposite – triggering a cycle of negative thoughts.
Nurses can be scared to talk about suicide just as much as the next person. shutterstock/ArtFamily

Even nurses aren’t immune to the stigma of suicide

The lack of suicide training provided in nursing programmes can leave nurses feeling like there is a risk of further harm to the patient.
In his new memoir ‘Born to Run,’ Bruce Springsteen details his lifelong battle with depression. Norsk Telegrambyra AS/Reuters

Why Bruce Springsteen’s depression revelation matters

With stigma about mental illness still pervasive, The Boss’ frank admission helps shatter some of the most common stereotypes about depression.
While most people would assume being the victim of racism can’t be good for us, being a perpetrator of racism is also bad for our health. from

Does racism make us sick?

In highlighting the importance of retaining section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act, shadow attorney general Mark Dreyfus said racial discrimination can make people sick.
Behavioural activation rivals other therapies and medication in the treatment of depression. Peter Miller/Shutterstock

Explainer: what is behavioural activation for depression?

Behavioural activation aims to increase engagement in activities we value, which boosts our chances of deriving pleasure and a sense of achievement from life.
Parents of very preterm infants are at far higher risk of depression and anxiety than parents of healthy full-term babies. Reuters/Carlos Garcia Rawlins

Mums and dads of very preterm babies more likely to be depressed

A new baby is life-changing for all parents, but for those whose babies are born too early, the challenges can be immense.

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