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Artículos sobre Friendship

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 134 artículos

Boosting someone else may deliver a mood boost to you too. Mohamed Nohassi/Unsplash

Teens who feel down may benefit from picking others up

Psychology researchers found that daily acts of kindness were linked to increases in positive mood – especially for teens who felt depressed.
How should you choose your friends? Liderina/

What makes a good friend?

Friendship requires that we be open to our friends’ ways of seeing things, even when they differ from our own. Is being a good person necessary for a good friendship? Who is a good person?
Your finger may hover, but it’s hard get rid of it once and for all. ymgerman/

Why it’s so hard to #DeleteFacebook: Constant psychological boosts keep you hooked

Social media provide shortcuts to things we yearn for, like connection and validation. Media effects scholars explain the psychological benefits we get from Facebook that make it so hard to quit.

When should you unfriend someone on Facebook?

The combination of a divisive political climate and widespread use of social media networks to share controversial material has many people asking this question. Here’s what Aristotle would say.

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