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Artículos sobre Learning

Mostrando 121 - 140 de 305 artículos

Video games have inspired a revolution in university teaching. Pictured here is a scene from the popular game Fortnite Battle Royale. (Sergey Galyonkin, Epic Games Berlin via Wikimedia Commons)

How playful design is transforming university education

University course designers are harnessing the addictive quality of video games to develop ‘Serious educational games’ that engage and motivate students.
Peter Thomas of the Winnipeg Art Gallery (left), Marcel Dionne of Roarockit (centre) and Jaimie Isaac, curator for Indigenous/Contemporary at the Winnipeg Art Gallery (right), are seen building a skateboard using a do-it-yourself kit in this 2017 photo. Art and design schools should reward those who actually build and create more than they do design theorists. (Author provided)

Art and design schools must cultivate creators, not theorists

Even as our world goes digital, there will always be an appetite for craftsmanship, for art and for the work only human hands can truly bring to life. Art and design schools should celebrate creators.
4.5 million young Australians between the ages of nine and 24 have taken NAPLAN tests at some point during their schooling. Shutterstock

We need to reform NAPLAN to make it more useful

NAPLAN has now been in place for a decade and needs ongoing review and refinement to make it more useful to classroom teaching and learning.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau participates in an armchair discussion highlighting the federal budget’s investments in Canadian innovation at the University of Ottawa in March 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Justin Tang

Made by humans: A recipe for innovation

Where and how do we learn to innovate? Our parents can’t teach us. Our bosses are trying to learn alongside us. Even post-secondary courses only provide us with the basics. Follow this recipe.
A lone new neuron (green) in a 13-year-old’s hippocampus. Sorrells et al

Adult human brains don’t grow new neurons in hippocampus, contrary to prevailing view

The scientists behind a controversial new study were surprised by their own results. But they carefully did all they could to ‘prove a negative,’ and their neurogenesis study is shaking up the field.
Volunteers work on a Habitat for Humanity site in Winnipeg in July 2017. Building homes for the disadvantaged is the type of ‘learning through service’ that will stand university grads in better stead with employers. THE CANADIAN PRESS/John Woods

Why learning from experience is the educational wave of the future

Employers now expect to hire people out of universities who don’t require any training. That’s why so-called experiential learning is becoming so critical for university students.

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