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Artículos sobre Sex

Mostrando 421 - 440 de 451 artículos

Cheating on a partner is always a choice, not a biologically determined effect. flickr/dhammza

Monogamy: cheating on what nature intended, or a simple choice?

Biologists and psychologists like to tussle with human characteristics: what’s inherent? What’s learnt? What’s genetically coded? What’s malleable? Every so often an “expert” will reignite the nature vs…
Taboos in porn can be shocking, but they can also be very revealing about our sexual apetites. Flickr/billypalooza

Old sex, fat sex and the popularity of porn taboos

Fat people having sex, ugly people having sex, old people having sex. All too readily our culture cringes, shudders, if not gags at the thought. After all, if film and television have taught us anything…
Is there a genuine rise in the appeal for sadomasochist behaviour among women in 2012? flickr/Jeremy Brook

Spank me silly: sadomasochism and the modern woman

The poster for Secretary is up on my wall at work. I actually paid to see A Dangerous Method purely for Jung’s novel approach to therapy (and God do I hate period films.) While I probably won’t read all…
Our debates about porn are stuck in the past. x-ray delta one

We need to talk … about porn in Australia

It seems Australians aren’t ready for a real debate on porn and sex. Yet. The Australian reported last month that Telstra was offering “soft-core pornography” with titles like “Dirty Housewife and Hot…
The Australian Sex Party was launched at Sexpo in 2008 by leader Fiona Patten. AAP/Julian Smith

Going native at Sexpo with the Australian Sex Party

“Where’s the party?” “Can I join?” “Is this legitimate?” These were just a few of the questions I was asked during my eight-hour shift as a volunteer for The Australian Sex Party (ASP) at their booth in…
This is just asking for trouble. Wikimedia Commons

Sex and death … not-so-strange bedfellows

Few of us consider that having sex could result in a violent, instantaneous death. But in nature, where sex and violence are often two sides of the same coin, many animals are routinely subjected to such…
Chief of the Defence Force General David Hurley and Minister for Defence Stephen Smith respond to reviews into Defence’s culture and the Skype scandal. Defence media

ADFA Skype scandal: Smith’s reviews could help defence to change its culture

Defence minister Stephen Smith has released the findings of a series of reviews into last year’s ADFA sex scandal and the culture of the defence force. The scandal revolved around an incident in March…
One in five people over 80 are sexually active but not all protect themselves against STIs. Flickr/adwriter

A ripe old age: the joy of sex later in life (just don’t forget the condoms)

Why is it that when we combine the words “sex” and “older people” there’s a reaction of surprise, unease and awkwardness? Is it because we believe older people don’t have sex? Or don’t have sexual fantasies…
New strategies targeting young people are needed to stop the chlamydia epidemic, the report’s authors said. Flickr/Paul H Photography

HIV rates stable but chlamydia cases skyrocket

Australia’s rates of HIV infection have remained stable for the last five years but gonorrhoea cases shot up 25% last year, while chlamydia rates have reached epidemic levels among young people, a new…
So what’s it to be, buddy, my cave or yours? Kaptain Kobold

Sex with our evolutionary cousins? What’s not to love?

We humans had sex with Neandertals; we bonked the relatives of Neandertals; we got down and dirty with members of an as-yet unrecognised African population; and we, of course, got jiggy with each other…
Grindr is an app that allows gay men to meet up for … fun and friendship. flickr/nathaninsandiego

Grindr, Blendr and why gays get all the cool stuff first

The second Stephen Fry mentioned Grindr on Top Gear of course its popularity surged. Not only did the app – designed to help homosexual blokes hook up with those geographically convenient – surge in popularity…
Scientists have discovered new ways to regulate hormones that stimulate cancer growth. Now those insights could be used to control other hormones, such as oxytocin, the natural ‘love drug’ released after orgasm. Flickr/D. Sharon Pruitt

Lung cancer breakthrough yields new love hormone insights

Scientists have discovered a new way of controlling a hormone that stimulates cancer growth and, along the way, gained new insight into how the feel-good hormone oxytocin can be regulated. Researchers…

A Platonic relationship? Not quite

Instead of advocating a form of love that does not involve physical intimacy as is widely believed, the ancient Greek thinker…
Rejoice, men: you may not need to hold your clock in dismay. purplemattfish

Time trial: is premature ejaculation really a medical condition?

If you’re in a room with 20 random blokes, it’s likely six or seven of them are worried about and unsatisfied with their ability to control their ejaculation during partnered sex. In other words, these…
Is there a link between the function of the female orgasm and producing more handsome offspring? Flickr/TaniaSaiz

The female orgasm: brought to you by natural selection?

Women orgasm more readily during sex with a handsome partner, a study of heterosexual couples has found, with researchers concluding the female orgasm may be linked to an evolutionary urge to produce ‘quality…

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