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Artículos sobre Stress

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 466 artículos

Canada’s Margaret Mac Neil swims to a gold medal in the women’s 100 metre butterfly final during at the Tokyo Olympics. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Record-setting performances at the Tokyo Olympics come after months of pandemic-induced stress

The past 18 months have tested the mental and physical limits of Olympic athletes in their pursuit of the Tokyo Games. That’s what makes the performances during these Olympics even more remarkable.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta activated its emergency operations centre in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Centers for Disease Control/Unsplash)

Tackling burnout: How to deal with stress and safety in the workplace

Burnout as the result of workplace stress has big implications for employers. Occupational health and safety standards require employers to protect both the physical and mental health of workers.
Isolation and other pandemic stresses can harm pregnant women’s mental health, with effects on their babies too. Jahi Chikwendiu/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Pregnancy during COVID-19 lockdown: How the pandemic has affected new mothers

Pregnant women’s experiences can affect their babies’ health, even into adulthood. Researchers know societywide stresses can lead to these long-term consequences – and the pandemic likely fits the bill.
Just feeling that there’s someone out there she can count on can help a mom-to-be. d3sign/Moment via Getty Images

Pregnant women’s brains show troubling signs of stress – but feeling strong social support can break those patterns

Fetal brains are changing rapidly over the course of pregnancy, but so are the brains of mothers-to-be. Neuroscience research shows one way worry can start taking hold – and a simple way to help.
A Texas woman shows a picture of her 21-year-old son, who has been incarcerated during the pandemic. AP Photo/LM Otero

No visits and barely any calls – pandemic makes separation even scarier for people with a family member in prison

For the 6.5 million Americans who have an incarcerated family member, COVID-19 has made an already stressful situation much worse by drastically limiting communication and raising fears of death.
There are many complex pandemic-related risk factors for suicide, and suicide prevention is a crucial public health response to COVID-19. (Pixabay/Canva)

Suicide prevention during COVID-19: The healing power of connection and mutual support

Combating catastrophic demoralization and suicidal thoughts during COVID-19 means supporting people to reconnect with their values, with meaning in life and with others.
A woman tears up as she attends a community rally in Los Angeles to raise awareness of anti-Asian violence and racist attitudes, in response to the string of violent racist attacks against Asians during the pandemic. (AP Photo/Damian Dovarganes)

Collateral damage of COVID-19: Rising rates of domestic and social violence

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only increased risk factors for violence, but also simultaneously decreased resiliency for individuals as well as communities.

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