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Artículos sobre United Kingdom (UK)

Mostrando 301 - 320 de 794 artículos

The final deliveries of the A380 are anticipated for 2021. Mike Fuchslocher/Shutterstock

Airbus A380: from high-tech marvel to commercial flop

The shifting market for air travel has forced Airbus to abandon the production of one of the most impressive aircraft of all time, the super-jumbo A380. Was it folly, bad luck or both?
The French National Assembly, one of the Western institutions Western academics believe African countries should aspire to. EPA-EFE/Yoan Valat

The claim that democracy fares better in the West than in Africa is a fallacy

The argument isn’t whether African democracies are better than those in the West. It’s simply that the idea of “real” and “not yet real” democracies expresses a colonial mentality, not reality.
Theresa May likely wants to escape this room. Reuters TV

Brexit: An ‘escape room’ with no escape

The UK’s agonizing efforts to find a path out of the European Union is beginning to look a lot like a game or riddle with no solution – and certainly no winners.
An anti-Brexit protester speaks during a demonstration. Reuters/Henry Nicholls

How Trump and Brexit united Europe

Back in 2016, the Brexit vote and US presidential election seemed like a nationalist one-two punch that could knock out the European Union. Instead, EU support actually rose, new research shows.

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