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The critically endangered Leadbeater’s Possum lives within a single federal electorate. Their local MP has a responsibility to be their voice. Zoos Victoria

Just ten MPs represent more than 600 threatened species in their electorates

Just a handful of federal members of parliament represent hundreds of Australia’s threatened species.
The Netherlands’ cycleways are popular for commuting, because the infrastructure is safe, accessible and convenient. The Alternative Department for Transport

People take to their bikes when we make it safer and easier for them

The evidence suggests a small investment in cycling infrastructure, combined with less punitive policing, would enable more Australians to escape daily traffic congestion.
Commemorations to honour those who have donated their bodies for the study of anatomy not only contain symbolic objects like candles and flowers, but also song and online tributes. from

Medical schools are shaking off a dark past by honouring people who donate their bodies to science

We’ve come a long way since the dark days of grave robbing to provide bodies for dissection. Now, there are ceremonies and memorials to honour people who have donated their body to science.
Social connectedness supports our physical and mental health. Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

Are you part of a social group? Making sure you are will improve your health

Social connectedness is at least as good for your health as quitting smoking or exercise. So what is it and how can you get some of it?
One big mess: the market has failed to deliver on cheap, reliable energy. Shutterstock

The day Australia was put on blackout alert

The energy market operator has released a report on the state of Australia’s electricity system. It couldn’t be blunter if it tried: the market has failed.
Cassini makes the first radio occultation of Saturn’s rings producing this simulated image with green for particles smaller than 5cm and purple where particles are larger. NASA/JPL

The beauty and mystery of Saturn’s rings revealed by the Cassini mission

The Cassini space probe took us up close and through the beautiful rings of Saturn. It captured some amazing images, and even the sound of the rings during its mission.
A detail from William Blake’s God answers Job (c. 1804). The Gods of Moses in the Old Testament, Jesus in the New Testament and Muhammad in the Quran have a similarly complex and ambivalent character. Wikimedia images

In spite of their differences, Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God

The founder of Islam, Muhammad, saw himself as the last in a line of prophets that reached back through Jesus to Moses, Abraham and Noah. But while the three religions worship the same God, he divides as much as he unites.
The Day After Tomorrow’s apocalyptic depiction of climate change is a little embellished. But such storylines can ignite conversations with people that mainstream science fails to reach. 20th Century Fox

Can ‘cli-fi’ actually make a difference? A climate scientist’s perspective

Climate scientists often bombard their audiences with facts and figures - a method of communication that often doesn’t work. Perhaps this is where cli-fi can step in, with its compelling characters and just slightly embellished science.
There’s much more to mathematics than computation, and that’s where more contemporary technologies can improve primary mathematics. Shutterstock

Technology in the classroom can improve primary mathematics

Many parents are demanding less technology use in the classroom due to the amount of screen time children get at home. This story explores whether maths education and technology go hand in hand.
Isiah Courtney carries his dog Bruce through flood waters from Tropical Storm Harvey in Beaumont Place, Houston, Texas, U.S., on August 28, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman

Seven ways to protect your pets in an emergency

In the wake of natural disasters, pets are be stranded, lost or abandoned. There are simple guidelines that can help keep your whole family safe.
Vinyl records and cassette tapes, the parties that went with them, and other hedonistic pleasures from our youth can form a big part of our identity years later. from

Why we remember our youth as one big hedonistic party

Memories of our carefree youth help form our identity today. But memories are selective. So, were we really as wild as we think we were?