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#WeLiveHere2017 aims to turn inanimate buildings into metaphorical sentient structures, with ‘mood lights’ expressing the feelings of Matavai and Turanga Tower residents about their neighbourhood’s redevelopment. Nic Walker courtesy of #WeLiveHere2017

We Live Here: how do residents feel about public housing redevelopment?

Residents of two high-rise public housing blocks are being given ‘mood lights’ to express how they feel based on their experience of the process of redeveloping their neighbourhood.
Pada akhirnya, dengan penelitian sosial berbasis internet, ilmuwan akan dapat memahami manusia lebih dari manusia tersebut memahami diri mereka sendiri. Montri Nipitvittaya/

Teknologi digital berpotensi memicu revolusi sains dalam penelitian sosial

Teknologi digital dan kemampuannya memproses data yang dihasilkan manusia dalam jumlah besar dapat menjadi alat penelitian sosial yang perkasa.
Warga Kemijen di pesisir Semarang membuat sendiri tembok penahan, biasa disebut talud, agar luapan Kalibanger tidak membanjiri perkampungan. Tim Dokumentasi Kolektif Hysteria

Hidup dan bertahan di Semarang yang terus ambles

Pesisir Semarang ambles dan warga di sana semakin miskin akibat bencana. Mereka tidak tinggal diam menghadapi banjir rob yang menghampiri sehari dua kali ke rumah-rumah mereka.
A Cassini portrait of five of Saturn’s moons. Janus (179km across) is on the far left, Pandora (81km across) orbits between the A ring and the thin F ring, Enceladus (504km across) is centre, Rhea (1,528km), is bisected by the right edge of the image and the smaller moon Mimas (396km) is seen beyond Rhea also on the right side of the image. NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

What Cassini’s mission revealed about Saturn’s known and newly discovered moons

The Cassini space probe discovered several new moons on its mission to Saturn, and revealed fresh views of the moons we already knew about.
The Pool: Architecture, Culture and Identity, exhibition by Aileen Sage Architects (Isabelle Tolandand Amelia Holliday) with Michelle Tabet, commissioned for the Australian Pavilion by the Australian Institute of Architects for the Venice Biennale of Architecture 2016. Brett Boardman

From segregation to celebration: the public pool in Australian culture

Swimming pools are much more than holes in the ground - they are often beautifully designed, as a new exhibition at the NGV shows. They also document Australia’s history of racism and sexism, and gradual relaxation of social mores.
Odysseus and his crew escape the cyclops, as painted by Arnold Böcklin in 1896. Wikimedia

Guide to the Classics: Homer’s Odyssey

The story of the Odyssey is a quintessential quest that relates to the passage through life and the importance of love, family and home. Odysseus’s adventures have influenced everyone from Batman to Bob Dylan.
So many of the factors influencing low wages growth for Australian workers are also an important influence on CEO pay, although not necessarily in the same way. ANGELA BRKIC/AAP

Why Australian CEOs are sharing part of our wages pain

Data shows that growth in total CEO pay has outstripped average Australian wage growth in every year of the last five years. But perhaps we need to look more closely.
Snapper is one of the fish under New Zealand’s Quota Management system. from

New Zealand’s fisheries quota management system: on an undeserved pedestal

New Zealand’s fisheries are considered among the best managed in the world, but this perception doesn’t match the facts.
Education is recognised in a number of the SDGs, particularly SDG 4 which calls for “inclusive and equitable quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Reuters/Arnd Wiegmann

Universities must act now on sustainability goals

Universities can contribute to the goals through education, research, innovation and leadership, but they need to get started now.