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Articles on Beer

Displaying 61 - 80 of 87 articles

The humble spread gets caught up in the home brew debate. Flickr/atl trader

Yes, you can make alcohol from Vegemite, but …

Vegemite has been used for many things over the years. But claims it was used to brew alcohol in dry Indigenous communities had many asking if that was even possible.
Healthy or harmful? Matthew Rogers

Health Check: does alcohol have medicinal properties?

Since the late Stone Age, people have been drinking alcohol to help them feel better. For the most part, this has been in order to “remember their misery no more” (Proverbs 31:6-7). But it’s widely believed…
Bottoms up. EPA

Going to the pub could solve our drinking problem

Rarely a day passes without another horror story about the UK’s drinking problem: alcohol-related violence, debauchery in city centres, record demand on A&E resources, a liver disease epidemic and…
Down the hatch: along with about 4,000 pubs. Yui Mok/PA Wire

Glass half empty as 4,000 pubs prepare for last orders

The latest issue of the Good Pub Guide warns that 4,000 pubs will close their doors over the next year because they serve indifferent food and drink and are “stuck in the 1980s”. This is a problem - not…

Gene stops barley leaf rust

Researchers have discovered the gene Rph20 provides resistance to leaf rust in some barley variety adult plants. Leaf rust…
Wine is increasingly becoming the drink of choice for Australians. isante_magazine

The rise of Australia as a wine nation

Think of alcohol in Australian life and you probably think of beer: a “hard-earned thirst” and all that. Yet our national drinking taste is undergoing a dramatic change. Not only are we drinking less overall…

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