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Articles on Big data

Displaying 181 - 200 of 312 articles

Australians should be able to do more than just access and transfer their own consumer data.

Data availability report presents compromised rights for consumers

The Productivity Commission’s report on data availability and use is disappointing for consumers, who won’t be able to stop firms collecting their data or challenge automated decisions made using it.
A tumor under the microscope. Cropped from cnicholsonpath/flickr

What Netflix can teach us about treating cancer

Cancer researchers dream of offering personalized treatments to patients. Can they get there using the same math that drives Netflix recommendations?
In one regard, lockout laws have succeeded in decreasing crime. But take a step back to see a city-wide perspective, and there are many other issues to consider. shutterstock

Where are they now? What public transport data reveal about lockout laws and nightlife patronage

Policy changes such as the ‘lockout laws’ have had profound impacts on inner Sydney nightlife. Transport data help us see whether these have caused problems to spill over into neighbouring areas.
Aspiring ‘smart cities’ like Barcelona have worked to build their profile – it recently hosted the Smart City Expo World Congress – but Australia may benefit from not having rushed in. Ramon Costa/AAP

From Smart Cities 1.0 to 2.0: it’s not (only) about the tech

Australia has lagged behind some other countries in its investment in smart cities, but in retrospect that may not have been such a bad thing.
There’s more you could donate besides blood, organs and tissue. Cropped from pulmonary_pathology/flickr

Why you should donate your data (as well as your organs) when you die

Most people know they can donate their organs after they pass away. But what about their medical data? For National Donor Day, we suggest countries create national databases of data donors.
Government ministers have defended Centrelink’s debt recovery processes as ‘working’ following an ongoing controversy. AAP/Julian Smith

Note to Centrelink: Australian workers’ lives have changed

Centrelink’s debt recovery problems reflect an over-simplistic application of policy to the complexity of workers’ lives in a flexible labour market.
At one time, Bibles and Sears catalogs were printed here. Now, this building is known as the Lakeside Technology Center, one of the largest data centers in the world. Teemu008/flicker

The factories of the past are turning into the data centers of the future

Data centers are taking over the factories where workers once processed checks, baked bread and printed Bibles. What will the rise of the information-based economy mean for American cities?

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