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Articles on Malnutrition

Displaying 61 - 80 of 107 articles

Studies on mortality in sub-Saharan Africa haven’t focused on the effects of climate change. Shutterstock

Climate and mortality rates in Kenya, Mali, and Malawi: what we found

African countries need to take into account the effects environmental changes, like climate change, have on their ability to deal with food security, poverty reduction and lowering mortality rates.
South Africans eat too little fruit and vegetables. Food gardens in urban and rural communities could help. Flickr/USAID | Southern Africa

South Africa’s twin malnutrition challenges: hunger and obesity

South Africa has problems with hunger and obesity and both are linked to malnutrition. But solutions like taxes, education, regulating food advertising and labelling can help the problem.
Africa has focused on tackling undernutrition caused by low calorie diets. IFPRI

Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won

Policy choices made by Senegal, Ghana, Rwanda, Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Togo over the past 15 years have led to significant reductions in child undernourishment.
Ecuador’s school snack programme focuses on pre-packaged, individual-sized items like juice boxes. Bernardo Cañizares Esguerra

Ecuador’s school food is bad for kids — and the environment

Up to 25% of Ecuadorian children suffer from malnutrition, and the country’s sugary school snacks aren’t helping. Kids need healthful, fresh food — not high-calorie humanitarian aid.

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