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Articles sur Civil society

Affichage de 41 à 60 de 65 articles

Protestors hold banners saying ‘No to the stigmatisation of civilians’ at a meeting of the Hungarian parliament’s justice committee, prior to the bill’s approval. Laszlo Balogh/Reuters

Hungary cracks down on foreign funding, dealing a harsh blow to NGOs — and to European democracy

FROM OUR ARCHIVES (UPDATED) Hungary has passed a law monitoring the finances of foreign-funded NGOs, another blow to civil society in Viktor Orban’s increasingly “illiberal democracy”.
Demonstrators march against corruption in Cape Town. South Africa has some way to go to plug a public accountability deficit. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

South Africa has work to do to make government more accountable

South Africa’s end of term report at the helm of the Open Government Partnership shows that it failed to meet key targets it set for itself. But it also shows improvements in some areas.
Kenyan civil society activists protest against the extrajudicial killing of a human rights lawyer and his client. Restrictions against NGOs have intensified. Reuters/Thomas Mukoya

Kenya’s clampdown on civil society is against its self-interest

The government of Uhuru Kenyatta may wish to reconsider its repeated attacks against NGOs. The country as a whole is likely to benefit if the government softens its stance.
Unemployed graduates in Tunisia demonstrate to demand that the government provides job opportunities. Reuters/Zoubeir Souissi

A vibrant civil society is central to democratic consolidation in Tunisia

In the wake of the Arab Spring the international community lauded Tunisia’s political transition to democracy. But a plethora of challenges may threaten democratic consolidation in the country.
Most Asia-Pacific governments are more focused on preventing irregular movement of asylum seekers and refugees than addressing the underlying causes of such movement. UNHCR/S.H. Omi

How civil society can improve refugee protection in the Asia-Pacific

In many regional countries there are civil society organisations attempting to fill the protection gap for refugees through service provision, advocacy, or both.
Last year’s election of federal independent MP Cathy McGowan as a result of Voices 4 Indi’s kitchen table campaign was a spectacular demonstration of the potential power of this model of community engagement. Voices4Indi/Facebook

Reasserting the public interest from Australians’ kitchen tables

Grassroots common sense and decency lie at the heart of two growing movements to reassert the voice of the people in the management of our local and national affairs. Kitchen table conversations and community…
The Sydney Alliance’s founding assembly in 2011 filled the Town Hall with people eager to put community back into politics. Kurt Iveson/

Community organising aims to win back civil society’s rightful place

In the wake of the Second World War, Karl Polanyi wrote that the public arena is made up of three interconnected sectors: the market, government and civil society. He argued that democracy thrives when…

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