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Articles sur Counter-terrorism

Affichage de 121 à 140 de 210 articles

Shattered windows at Brussels international airport. EPA/Laurent Dubrule

How radicalization happens and who is at risk

Scholars specializing in extremism are beginning to unravel how people – including a higher number of Americans than one might expect – become radicalized to embrace political violence.
Apple CEO Tim Cook standing firm. EPA/Monica Davey

Why Apple is making a stand against the FBI

Apple is pushing back against the FBI’s order to decrypt the iPhone of San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook for the sake of privacy and security.
Most Australians are unlikely to be able to describe the doctrine of the separation of powers, but they’re quick to assert their liberties under the rubric of a ‘fair go’. AAP/Richard Milnes

Gillian Triggs: How the ‘fair go’ became the last bulwark for Australia’s freedoms

The government’s uncontested assessment of national interest and security often trumps the rule of domestic and international law, as well as Australia’s obligations under human rights treaties.
Malcolm Turnbull may struggle to persuade Daniel Andrews and some other state leaders to back major tax change, though Mike Baird has been arguing for reform. Sam Mooy/AAP

Turnbull faces his most taxing test yet: wooing the states to overhaul the GST

Despite all the media coverage, don’t expect any clear decisions on national tax reform on Friday. But we should see more progress on other issues, including domestic violence and violent extremism.
An open and honest discussion about radicalisation cannot ignore the alienating impacts of racism and Islamophobia, starkly on display at this vandalised Muslim prayer centre in Brisbane. AAP/Tertius Pickard

Yes, let’s have a frank and open discussion about the causes of extremism and terrorism

A frank debate about the causes of extremism and terrorism would acknowledge uncomfortable issues like the alienating impacts of racism, Islamophobia and Western military actions and foreign policy.
Malcolm Turnbull is convening a summit this week to discuss Australia’s approach to countering violent extremism. AAP/Dan Himbrechts

Narrow focus on radicalisation won’t stop terrorists

Counter-radicalisation is only one part of nearly 20 very distinct areas of policy to combat terrorism. It is probably not the most effective by a long shot.
The opening ceremony of an exercise organized by the US military in Ndjamena, Chad earlier this year to take on Boko Haram. Reuters/Emmanuel Braun

How the US is expanding its fight against extremism in Africa

Apart from numerous worldwide threats including from China, Iran, North Korea and Russia, the US is taking more notice of Africa due to the expansion of extremist organisations on the continent.

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