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Articles sur Local government

Affichage de 121 à 140 de 145 articles

Lining up to take stock at the election approaches. Tim Ireland/PA Archive

Have we devolved too much responsibility for our schools?

The thorny issue of what democracy is, what it’s not and whether it is an appropriate system for government has been at the top of the agenda at the start of 2015. At the same time, we are in the lead-up…
Let’s do this democratically. Andrew Yates/PA Wire

Does England’s education system need more devolution?

Devolving power to English regions and cities could offer a real chance to introduce more local oversight of the way academies and free schools are being managed. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have…
Reach Academy in Feltham. Research is beginning to look at the impact of academy reforms. Steve Parsons/PA Archive

The information war raging within the academies revolution

All schools in England have a considerable and increasing degree of autonomy over their budgets. Academies have more autonomy than those state schools still under local authority control over how they…
Bins. bins, good for your budget … Paul Faith/PA Wire

We need to talk about wheelie bins? Rubbish!

Public sector procurement isn’t sexy, but it is important. Government purchases approximately £120 billion worth of goods and services from third parties every year. That’s more than £4,000 per UK income…
Boots on the ground, but who’s talking into their earpieces? Sean Dempsey/PA

Flood response hit by regional austerity cuts

Forecasters predict a wetter than normal start to March that will no doubt hamper efforts to bring an end to the misery of those whose homes are underwater. These extended floods and bad weather reveal…
Michael Heseltine asked for £12 billion, but got just £2 billion. bisgovuk

Where next for local growth policy?

Now the dust has settled on the government’s spending review and the publication of long-term infrastructure investment plans, where exactly are we with local growth policy? The coalition’s approach to…
Massive budget cuts leave Liverpool in a precarious position. nataliejohnson

Regional cities lose out in Westminster power grab

The coalition came to power in 2010 full of talk about ending the era of top down government and shifting power away from Westminster. The intervening years have given us one broken promise after another…
Will the push for constitutional recognition of local government actually improve Australia’s system of government? AAP/Alan Porritt

The perils of constitutional recognition of local government

Is this the referendum we don’t need to hold? And how many Australians truly understand the potential impact of their actions when they vote in referendum of the constitutional recognition of local government…
Barnaby Joyce believes local government must make more effort if they want a “yes” vote at the referendum. AAP/Lukas Coch

Grattan on Friday: Battling the referendum naysayers

It might be the mickey mouse part of September 14 but the referendum to recognise local government in the constitution will be a fascinating case study of what happens to a view held by the public when…
The real problem in care for the elderly is not so much about protection from costs as eligibility for council help. PA/John Stillwell

Capping elderly care costs won’t matter if no-one can qualify

Despite a big overhaul in the way care for the elderly will be funded, there are still fears that it isn’t enough and we’re surely “heading towards disaster”. The government is keen to emphasise the importance…

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