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Articles sur Tasmania election 2018

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The morning traffic builds up on the Tasman Highway at Montagu Bay. Congestion has become a hot issue for Hobart residents. Wiki ian/Wikipedia

Growth pains and gridlock come to Hobart, and building more roads is not the best way out

Hobart is a smaller city with big city problems that have become an election issue. Recent growth is creating traffic congestion that affects productivity, residents’ health and liveability.
Is Richard Di Natale correct in saying that Tasmanian women aren’t getting access safe termination services? AAP/David Crosling

FactCheck: do women in Tasmania have access to safe abortions?

In Hobart supporting the Tasmanian Greens ahead of the state election, Greens leader Richard Di Natale said ‘in one of our states, women are not getting access to safe terminations’. Is that correct?
Tasmania’s ageing population matters because as people get older they become more reliant on the services provided by governments (for example pensions, health and aged care). Dave Hunt/AAP

Tasmania can’t only rely on a growing population for an economic boost

Population growth for growth’s sake (as a proxy for economic growth), without consideration for the demands this creates might actually compromise Tasmania’s economy.
If the Greens hold the sole balance of power after the Tasmanian election, the next parliamentary term could be a messy business for Labor’s Rebecca White or the Liberals’ Will Hodgman. AAP/The Conversation

Tasmanian election likely to be close, while Labor continues to lead federally

The polls are leaning towards the Liberals holding power in Tasmania, but the unpopularity of the federal Coalition government could help Labor get over the line.
Tasmanian Premier Will Hodgman announced the March 3 election on Sunday. Rob Blakers/AAP

Tasmania the first test in an election-laden year

Malcolm Turnbull says people won’t be casting a national vote until the due time of 2019 – although Labor is working on contingency plans for this year in case he changes his mind or is foxing.

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