White people that sweep into developing countries to “save” people of colour are widely derided, including by donors. Does this translate to less charity donations?
The new game, which is ranking highly on Steam, involves repeatedly clicking a banana in the hope of maybe – eventually – getting a rare ‘skin’ to trade for real money. And that’s it.
Management jobs are proliferating much faster than other roles. But behavioural research shows the extra box-ticking can leave employees feeling stressed, patronised and demotivated.
Big data analysis has unveiled startling links between seemingly unrelated things, such as how a person’s physical elevation above sea level might influence their personality.
The NSW government’s announcement of a $1,000 fine for failing to report a positive voluntary rapid antigen test will likely achieve the opposite of its intention.
Some thought Dan Ariely’s faked data study might be a blow to behavioural science, but actually its exposure shows how behavioural scientists are rooting out false research.