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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 4501 - 4520 of 6971 articles

Climate change is increasing flooding caused by seasonal ‘king tides’ in Florida and other coastal areas. AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

We can’t save everything from climate change – here’s how to make choices

Climate change is happening and will intensify in coming decades. Some experts say it’s time for a triage strategy that focuses investments where they are most likely to have an impact.
Spawning sockeye salmon make their way up the Adams River near Chase, B.C. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Freshwater wildlife face an uncertain future

Populations of freshwater species are in a state of deep decline. But we know why and we can reverse the trend.
This summer, coastal seas to the north and east of New Zealand are even warmer than during last year’s marine heat wave. from

Coastal seas around New Zealand are heading into a marine heatwave, again

Marine heatwaves may become the new normal for the Tasman Sea and the ocean around New Zealand, and oceanographers are developing models to better predict their intensity.
Ash tree killed by the invasive emerald ash borer. K Steve Cope

Can genetic engineering save disappearing forests?

Forests in the US face many threats: climate change, invasive species, pests and pathogens. Could genetically engineering trees make these plants more resilient?
Sea ice responds to changes in winds and ocean currents, sometimes with origins thousands of kilometres away. NASA/Nathan Kurtz

Why Antarctica’s sea ice cover is so low (and no, it’s not just about climate change)

Antarctic sea ice cover fell to an all-time low recently and hasn’t yet recovered. Why? The initial answers could lie in an unlikely place – the tropics.
Sydney’s Darling Harbour: popular but noisy and expensive. Here’s how we could do better to provide a safe place to work and play. from

How Darling Harbour was botched (and could be reborn)

Cities around the world are redeveloping their waterfronts to be accessible and resilient to the effects of climate change. Here’s where Sydney’s Darling Harbour went wrong and what we can do better.
Evidence shows that the growth of air pollutants – as well as rising temperatures, increased rain and flooding – connect breast cancer with climate change. (Shnutterstock)

As the oceans rise, so do your risks of breast cancer

Most cases of breast cancer are related to environmental causes. When we talk about climate change, we must not forget this part of the story.
To empower children means to nurture them as they develop skills to take charge of their lives. Here, Alex Sayers, left, holds the microphone for Azure Faloona, both 12 years old, at a rally held last October in Seattle in support of a high-profile climate change lawsuit. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Career guidance for kids is our best hope for climate change

New energy to advocate for planetary health could be unleashed through career guidance that prepares future generations for climate change while inspiring them to envision a meaningful future.

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