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Articles on Contraception

Displaying 81 - 100 of 103 articles

Curbing teen pregnancy rates will take more than just access to contraception. Image of pregnant women via Coffeemill/

How to bring the teen pregnancy rate down

Teen pregnancy is a public health problem in the United States. According to 2010 estimates, girls aged 15-19 years accounted for 614,000 pregnancies in the US. An additional 11,000 pregnancies were recorded…
HIV-prevention campaigns need to do more than simply urge people to use condoms. charnsitr/Shutterstock

Five myths about HIV in Australia

Australia had a quick and effective response to HIV at the start of the epidemic. Some 30 years later, however, there’s a tendency to underestimate the sheer effort involved in maintaining HIV prevention…
Women are generally comfortable with post-sex contraceptives but anti-abortion campaigners aren’t. WarmSleepy

Politics of the pill: why we don’t have better contraceptives

More than 50 years after Australian women first had access to the oral contraceptive pill, research into new contraceptives has stalled and women are stuck with new versions of old products to manage their…
Pharmacists could have an empathetic conversation with women rather than having them fill in an intrusive questionnaire. Tim Parkinson

Note to pharmacists on how not to sell the morning-after pill

The emergency contraceptive pill (morning-after pill) contains a hormone called levonorgestrel and can be bought without a prescription. It’s used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex, but many women…
IUDs are safe for young fertile women but remain unpopular in Australia.

IUDs safe, effective but myths live on

IUDs are a safe and highly effective form of contraception but misinformation continues to make them an unpopular choice for women and doctors, Australian research has found. An Intra Uterine Device is…
A much wider group of Australian women will be able to choose a medical rather than surgical procedure. spaceodissey/Flickr

Politics v women’s health: RU486 and the TGA saga

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) finally included the abortifacient Mifepristone (also referred to as RU486) on the Australia Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) in August 2012 – after nearly…
A vaginal ring could one day prevent pregnancy and STIs… but it’s still a long way off. Flickr/dhammza

Preventing pregnancy and STIs: the quest for the ultra contraceptive

By 2020, 1.2 billion people or 16% of the world’s population will be entering their childbearing years, with 90% of these in the developing world. Along with education, the availability of effective contraception…
Some women question the long-term impact of the contraceptive pill on their fertility. J. Stephen Conn

Monday’s medical myth: the pill affects long-term fertility

The combined oral contraceptive pill is the most popular form of contraception in Australia and is taken by an estimated 100 million women worldwide. The pill’s most obvious use is to prevent pregnancy…
Why is philanthropist Melinda Gates dedicating the rest of her life to improving women’s access to contraception? DFID UK Department for International Development

Contraception: best for women, babies and the planet

Melinda Gates’ vow to put the availability of contraception back on the global health agenda – even if it means going against the Pope – has provided a welcome voice for logic and compassion. Speaking…

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