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Articles on Journalism

Displaying 201 - 220 of 773 articles

Opinion journalism can rile people up – or it can bring them together. momentimages/Getty Images

Local newspapers can help reduce polarization with opinion pages that focus on local issues

The best op-ed pages operate like a town square, allowing readers to discuss and debate issues important to their communities and beyond. But many now focus on divisive national political issues.
The Washington Post has been criticized for saying a reporter who was the victim of a sexual assault couldn’t objectively cover topics like the #MeToo movement. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

Skepticism, not objectivity, is what makes journalism matter

The concept that journalists should be objective is outdated and impossible. Instead, good reporters use life experiences to ask fresh questions.
Police body camera video shows Adam Toledo’s hands were raised just before he was shot. Chicago Police Department via AP

Being skeptical of sources is a journalist’s job – but it doesn’t always happen when those sources are the police

In the aftermath of Adam Toledo’s death, police and a prosecutor framed the incident as a confrontation with an armed male holding a gun. Should reporters have been so quick to accept that version?
Bay of Pigs debacle: Watched by armed guards, grim-faced US-backed invaders are marched off to prison after their capture by Fidel Castro’s forces. Bettmann via Getty Images

60 years after Bay of Pigs, New York Times role – and myth – made clear

The New York Times gave in to White House pressure and did not publish crucial information about an impending US-backed invasion of Cuba. It’s an old story, much repeated – but it’s wrong.
A demonstrator dressed as Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman with blood on his hands protests outside the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 8, 2018. Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images

Why repressive Saudi Arabia remains a US ally

Saudi’s crown prince approved the killing and dismemberment of a Washington Post columnist in 2018, the Biden administration says. So how can the US still see the Saudis as good partners?
Facebook blocked Australians from sharing news stories, escalating a fight with the government over whether powerful tech companies should have to pay news organizations for content. (AP Photo/Rick Rycroft)

Facebook vs. Australia — Canadian media could be the next target for ban

Facebook recently removed Australian news stories from its site. If Ottawa follows Australia’s lead, Facebook might do the same in Canada.

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