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Articles on Memory

Displaying 321 - 338 of 338 articles

Omega-3 may improve brain function

Healthy young adults could boost their cognitive function and working memory by increasing their intake of omega-3 fatty…
How do you remember where you’ve been if you don’t have a brain? Tanya Latty

The brainless slime mould that remembers where it’s been

We humans use our large brains to make and store maps of our environment; maps we then use everyday for getting around and for recalling where we’ve been. But we are nothing special – many other animals…
Getting rid of negative memories is increasingly within our grasp. taylor.a

Remembering to forget: how to erase unwanted memories

Memories influence our behaviour for better or worse. A traumatic incident, experienced once, can darken our lives for ever more. Drug or alcohol addiction – driven by remembered rewards – can render the…
We all know the past disappears. FotoRita [Allstar maniac]

Explainer: what is forgetting?

If memory can be defined as “a past that becomes a part of me”, can forgetting be defined as “a past that is no longer a part of me”? Smokers who have abstained for years may not consciously be able to…
Did you forget to lock the door, or just forget to pay proper attention? jef safi \ 'pictosophizing

Explainer: what is memory?

Memory is difficult to define without being circular. People often define memory as “something you can remember”. But we cannot deny the existence of a memory when there is no recollection. Sigmund Freud…

Musical brains delay cognitive ageing

Musical instrumental training at a young age may reduce the effects of memory decline and cognitive ageing. A range of cognitive…
Scientists believe that by mimicking the production of a molecule, they may be able to delay or repair the onset of dementia in elderly patients. AAP/Melbourne Neuroscience Project, Katrina Lawrence

Molecule may be key to halting early dementia

The discovery of a molecule that appears to regulate memory and learning in the brain could pave the way for treatments of early dementia, scientists at the University of Queensland’s Brain Institute (QBI…
Brain scan technology is finding that some parts of the brain respond more strongly to colour than others. Flickr/dpi

Perceiving colour involves more than meets the eye

For more than 200 years, scientists have known the range of colours we can see means there must be three different types of light-responsive cells in our eyes. These three types of cell, along with the…
By activing a small set of neurons in the brains of mice, scientists can artificially reactivate memories. AAP/Yonhap

Triggering a memory: scientists learn how to reboot recollections

Scientists say they have found a way to activate the brain cells that trigger particular memories, according to research published today in the journal Science. Researchers at MIT employed optogenetics…
Trouble holding on to your memories? A bad night’s kip might be to blame. planetchopstick/Flickr

To sleep, perchance to learn

So here it is, another morning. Another day of yawns. Another day of … oh … what was I saying? We all know that if you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you don’t function properly during the day. It could…

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