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Articles on Science

Displaying 281 - 300 of 600 articles

The Dalai Lama speaks about quantum effects with Chinese scientists at the Main Tibetan Temple, Nov. 1, 2018, in Dharamshala, India. Shyam Sharma/Hindustan Times via Getty Images

What Buddhism and science can teach each other – and us – about the universe

Amid trying times, the collaboration between Western science and Eastern philosophy provides numerous health benefits and a path to understanding the natural world.
Pairing widespread testing with fast, effective contact tracing is considered essential for controlling the coronavirus’s spread as the U.S. passes 100,000 deaths. AP Images/Rick Bowmer

How coronavirus contact tracing works in a state Dr. Fauci praised as a model to follow

Since the state’s first coronavirus case surfaced, trained case investigators have traced the contacts of every person who tested positive. Here’s what else South Carolina got right.
The biblical book of Ezekiel describes a vision of the divine that medieval philosophers understood as revealing the connection between religion and science. By Matthaeus Merian (1593-1650)

When religion sided with science: Medieval lessons for surviving COVID-19

Those experiencing stress and uncertainty amid the coronavirus may find guidance in medieval responses to plagues, which relied on both medicine and prayer.
Artificial intelligence can do what humans can’t – connect the dots across the majority of coronavirus research. baranozdemir/E+ via Getty Images

AI tool searches thousands of scientific papers to guide researchers to coronavirus insights

The scientific community is churning out vast quantities of research about the coronavirus pandemic – far too much for researchers to absorb. An AI system aims to do the heavy lifting for them.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs Chrystia Freeland have relied heavily on the science-based advice of Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam during the coronavirus pandemic. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld

Politicians and scientists need strong connections during the coronavirus crisis — and beyond

The effective integration of science into policy-making improves legislation and leads to effective solutions for society — and not only during times of crisis like the coronavirus pandemic.
A bee on a flowering plant. Shutterstock

Europe has banned neonicotinoid insecticides. Action is needed in Africa too

The sustainability of African agriculture is critical to the continent’s food security and for maintaining agriculture’s contribution to Africa’s rural communities and national economies
Without a radical change of course on climate change, Australians will struggle to survive on this continent, let alone thrive. AAP/Dave Hunt

Scientists hate to say ‘I told you so’. But Australia, you were warned

For decades Australian scientists have, clearly and respectfully, warned about the risks to Australia of a rapidly heating climate. After this season’s fires, perhaps it’s time to listen.
The archives of academic institutions can tell previously untold stories of eugenics. Universities can begin to undo oppressive legacies by opening them to artists and communities. (Pakula Piotr/Shutterstock)

Universities must open their archives and share their oppressive pasts

To confront colonialism, universities must open their archives and let communities see their pasts, eugenics and all.
Water purification at a modern urban wastewater treatment plant involves removing undesirable chemicals, suspended solids and gases from contaminated water. arhendrix/

Microwaving sewage waste may make it safe to use as fertilizer on crops

The solids from wastewater plants are usually dumped into landfills because they are contaminated with heavy metals. Now there is a way to remove the metals so the waste can be used as fertilizer.

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