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Artículos sobre Ageing

Mostrando 381 - 400 de 405 artículos

Defective gene linked to osteoporosis

Women with a particular faulty receptor lose 10 times more bone mass than women without it. The receptor for the energy molecule…

Worms could hold the key to immortality

Some worms display an apparently limitless ability to regenerate aged or damaged tissue. Unlike human cells which show signs…
Studies have shown older people can enthusiastically adopt new opportunities to stay in contact with younger generations. lyzadanger/Flickr

Inclusion vital for a healthy ageing population

Over the past century life expectancy has increased dramatically and older citizens around the globe will soon outnumber children. By 2050, nearly one out of every four people will be older than 60 years…
China has the largest absolute number of older people globally, with 13% of the population aged 60 and over. EPA/Wu Hong

Healthy ageing, happy life: lessons from China

The demographic profile of the world is changing. Ageing is a global phenomenon, an unprecedented, pervasive, profound and an enduring process for humanity. The current and future burden and opportunities…
Nanas may contribute more than just hugs and kisses. John McNab

What’s the link between caring grandmas and breast cancer?

A recent study shows that mutations in the “breast cancer genes” BRCA1 and BRCA2 – which increase the risks of breast and ovarian cancers among others – also increase fertility. This is an extraordinary…

Hypertension may cause birth defects

High blood pressure in pregnancy may itself cause birth defects rather than a type of drug used to treat the condition in early pregnancy, a study published today suggests. Researchers led by Dr De-Kun…
One in five people over 80 are sexually active but not all protect themselves against STIs. Flickr/adwriter

A ripe old age: the joy of sex later in life (just don’t forget the condoms)

Why is it that when we combine the words “sex” and “older people” there’s a reaction of surprise, unease and awkwardness? Is it because we believe older people don’t have sex? Or don’t have sexual fantasies…
Chemicals are present in the brain a decade or so before symptoms occur. Rosie O Beirne

Alzheimer’s could be diagnosed and treated before symptoms occur

Dementia is among the largest cause of disability in Australians aged over 65 and affects memory, intellect, rationality, social skills and everyday activities. Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for…
Older people are finally being consulted about the type of care they need. EPA/Diego Azubel

Ask the elderly what they need, not the care industry

Australia’s population is ageing, presenting an economic challenge to look after the most vulnerable members of our society. The Productivity Commission released a report last month recommending a complete…
High intake of antioxidants won’t slow the ageing process and may increase your risk of some cancers. Dan Machold

Monday’s medical myth: a diet high in antioxidants slows the aging process

As Australians’ life expectancy nudges past 80 years, it’s no surprise that we’re searching for ways to add youthfulness and vitality to our later years. It’s a nice idea that a good dose of blueberries…
Signs of ageing are seen as lending distinction to some while the rest of us scramble to retain our youth. AAP

George Clooney is the exception – the rest of us need Botox

While we celebrate certain celebrities who age gracefully like Dame Judy Dench, or exult the distinctiveness that ageing brings to particular male celebrities, such as George Clooney, the signs of ageing…
Broadband-enabled technologies can ensure a more comfortable ageing process. sparktography

If I had a blank cheque I’d … reform Australia’s aged care system

Welcome to If I had a blank cheque … a series in which leading researchers reveal what they could (and would) do in their discipline if money were no object. Today we hear from Dr Kate Cornick, Executive…
Technology that predicts the chances of a fall will help elderly people take action to prevent it, researchers say. Flickr/sheilaz413

New tech to predict risk elderly will fall

A new wearable device that predicts which people are more at risk of falls could help prolong the number of years elderly people can spend living independently at home. A third of over-65s take a tumble…

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