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Artículos sobre Food production

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 88 artículos

Moving away from intensive farming practices comes with many benefits. Nikada

Farming with a mixture of crops, animals and trees is better for the environment and for people – evidence from Ghana and Malawi

Transitions to diversified farming systems in Africa will require financial support. But barriers can be overcome.
Companies can do more if they truly want to support healthier dietary patterns among adults and children in Canada. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Cole Burston

How big food companies can do more to create healthier food environments

Many food and beverage companies are not doing enough to positively shape diets in Canada, while positive examples show that public health commitments are achievable.
By only focusing on how to keep food costs low, we risk ignoring the underlying causes of why people cannot afford food in the first place. (Ashley Jean MacDonald)

The true cost of food: High grocery prices are not the root issue

Many people are experiencing the sticker shock of higher prices at grocery stores. But the amount we pay for food often does not reflect the real social, environmental and human costs of production.
A flash drought in 2012 dried out soil, harming crops in Kansas and several other states. John Moore/Getty Images

Farmers face a soaring risk of flash droughts in every major food-growing region in coming decades, new research shows

If greenhouse gas emissions continue at a high rate, breadbaskets of Europe and North America will see a 50% chance of a flash drought each year by the end of this century.

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