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Artículos sobre New Zealand

Mostrando 1561 - 1580 de 2056 artículos

The New Zealand government has announced a partnership with the farming sector to develop voluntary measures to reduce farm emissions. from

Why water quality should have been an issue when NZ government joined with farm sector to curb emissions

The New Zealand government’s decision to partner the farming sector to encourage voluntary reductions in farm emissions failed to acknowledge that agricultural emissions also affect water quality.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern arrive at the Commonwealth Heads of Government 2018 meeting in Windsor, England, in April 2018. New Zealand moved from the first-past-the-post electoral system in 1993 to a system that helped put Ardern in power. (AP Photo/Frank Augstein)

What Canada can learn from New Zealand on electoral reform

Unlike Canada’s newly elected House of Commons, New Zealand’s parliament reflects the will of voters. So do other proportional representation systems. Canada has plenty of choice.
Framing nature in terms of kinship can motivate people to care about the loss of biodiversity. from

Why a sense of kinship is key to caring about the living world

Our prevailing relationship with nature is based on framing the living world as a set of natural resources. This utility-based worldview perpetuates the drivers of ongoing biodiversity loss.
The New Zealand robin is a small and ordinary-looking songbird, but it can take down enormous invertebrate prey and hide morsels for later consumption. Supplied

A small New Zealand songbird that hides food for later use provides insights into cognitive evolution

The New Zealand robin has learnt to hide left-over food for later consumption, and it turns out that male birds with the best spatial memory have the greatest breeding success.
The best way to compare emissions from electric cars is to assess all phases of a life cycle analysis. from

Climate explained: the environmental footprint of electric versus fossil cars

In New Zealand, where more than 80% of electricity is renewable, the carbon footprint of electric cars is 62% lower than that of fossil cars. But their lithium battery has other environmental impacts.
New Zealand’s PM Jacinda Ardern, police minister Stuart Nash (right) and the minister for Christchurch regeneration Megan Woods announcing stronger gun laws and the creation of a firearms registry. AAP/David Alexander

Comprehensive gun register part of next stage of firearms law reform post Christchurch shootings

A register of all firearms is part of the next stage of New Zealand’s gun law reform, following the Christchurch mosque shootings.
Even people who accept the science of climate change sometimes resist it because it clashes with their personal projects. from

Climate explained: why some people still think climate change isn’t real

People are more likely to deny climate change if they’re inclined toward hierarchy, have lower levels of education or are more religious. But the strongest predictor of denial is a person’s politics.
During the Pliocene, up to one third of Antarctica’s ice sheet melted, causing sea-level rise of 20 metres. from

If warming exceeds 2°C, Antarctica’s melting ice sheets could raise seas 20 metres in coming centuries

New research shows that warming by more than 2°C could be a tipping point for Antarctica’s ice sheets, resulting in widespread meltdown and changes to the world’s shorelines for centuries to come.
Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios was sentenced to six months of probation following several controversial events and an ‘aggravated pattern of behaviours’. EPA/Jason Szenes

Nick Kyrgios on probation: can controversial athletes sell a sport or are they bad for the business?

As Australian tennis player Nick Kyrgios begins his probationary period this week for a pattern of bad behaviour and foul language, his value to sponsors and the sport of tennis remains high.
Eating less meat is one change many of us can make to reduce our contribution to climate change. from

Climate explained: what each of us can do to reduce our carbon footprint

Individual actions to reduce emissions are important in two ways. First, they have an immediate impact, and secondly, adopting low-carbon life choices sends a clear message to political leaders.
People with depression experience symptoms that affect their mood, cognitive function and physical health. from

Depression: it’s a word we use a lot, but what exactly is it?

Understanding of depression has advanced significantly since the first diagnostic criteria were introduced in the 1980s, but we still lack clear consensus on how this mental disorder should be explained.

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