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IRCC should rethink how to protect our chosen families and value the interdependence inherent to couples as much as the independence cherished in friendship. (Joshua Sazon/Unsplash)

Canadian immigration: We sponsor spouses — why not friends?

Canada’s immigration system should accept our chosen families and unconventional forms of love, such as friends with deep bonds.
Former Globe and Mail newspaper reporter turned novelist Omar El Akkad contemplates his debut book American War in his publisher’s Toronto office in this 2017 file photo. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young)

Worth reading: Future visions of women, war, time and space

Astronomer Bryan Gaensler picks five speculative and science fiction novels worth reading, including Omar El Akkad’s American War.
Portrait of Miriam Tlali as part of Adrian Steirn’s 21 Icons South Africa project. Date: 15.10.2014. Adrian Steirn/Courtesy of 21 Icons South Africa

Under the influence of … the Black Consciousness novel ‘Amandla’

A South African novel, published in 1980 and dealing with the Soweto student uprising four years earlier, still provides lessons for students today.

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