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Artículos sobre Stroke

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 157 artículos

This is the first study to link a vegetarian diet to an increased risk of stroke. But the evidence isn’t strong enough to cause alarm. From

Will a vegetarian diet increase your risk of stroke?

A new study has found a vegetarian diet is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease, but linked to an increased risk of stroke. This is how we should – and shouldn’t – interpret the results.
Biology and behaviour can explain why men tend to die younger than women. From

Health Check: why do women live longer than men?

All around the world, women are living longer than men. While women are born with some early advantages, there are lifestyle factors that men can modify to improve their lot.
Australia’s first Aboriginal Brain Injury Coordinator, Rebecca Clinch, with brain injury survivor Justin Kickett. Edith Cowan University

Aboriginal Australians want care after brain injury. But it must consider their cultural needs

The absence of Indigenous Australians in rehabilitation services has created the belief they don’t want therapy. The reality is they want services which better meet their cultural needs.

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