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Artículos sobre Telecommunications

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 95 artículos

The research found the more confident a participant was, the worse they understood the phone contracts they were given. Dave Hunt/AAP

Consumers don’t understand smartphone contracts

Consumers don’t understand the contracts they are signing when they buy smartphones, new research shows.
Even talking to a colleague at an academic conference overseas could have harsh ramifications. Shutterstock

New defence trade controls threaten academic freedom and the economy

Researchers face stiff fines or even jail time if they inadvertently communicate with foreign colleagues about matters deemed to have a military use.
Mobile networks are undergoing the transition from 4G to the much faster and more capable 5G. Sy/Flickr

Explainer: what is 5G?

Mobile networks are making the transition to 5G technology, promising faster data transfer and improved coverage.

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