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Artículos sobre Women

Mostrando 161 - 180 de 746 artículos

Video calls often show people an image of themselves. SDI Productions/E+ via Getty Images

Staring at an image of yourself on Zoom has serious consequences for mental health – especially for women

Mirrors, selfies and knowing other people are looking at you all cause people to think of themselves as objects. Video calls are all three in one and are likely increasing the harms of self-objectification.
Woman drying freshly made batik cloth. Batik is a micro, small and medium scale business that supports the livelihoods of Indonesian women, especially in Java. shutter/Bastian AS

Put women at the heart of global economic recovery: that’s Indonesia’s task at the 2022 G20 summit

Empowering women can be a solution to the economic slowdown and health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. As the host of the G20 2022 Summit, Indonesia should focus on the issue.
Women still have a long way to go to reach parity in the boardroom. Wanlee Prachyapanaprai/iStock via Getty Images

US counties with more civic engagement tend to have more women on local company boards of directors

A study of 3,000 companies found a correlation between local ‘social capital’ – which measures such variables as voter turnout and census response rates – and more women on corporate boards.
The majority of child care workers are women and people of color. Bill O'Leary/The Washington Post via Getty Images

About 1 in 3 child care workers are going hungry

Child care workers are at the center of the food insecurity crisis in America. In 2020, nearly one-third of them were food insecure.
The number of women religious leaders is growing, but the 2018-2019 National Congregations Study, which surveyed 5,300 U.S. religious communities, found that only 56.4% of these communities would allow a woman to “be head clergy person or primary religious leader.” AP Photo/Young Kwak

Women are finding new ways to influence male-led faiths

Three female academics discuss how women are forging new pathways in faith leadership throughout religions that traditionally have been patriarchal.
Why did she do all the work while Santa got all the glory? What would happen if she delivered the toys? Joe Sohm/Visions of America/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

How Mrs. Claus embodied 19th-century debates about women’s rights

Many early stories praise her work ethic and devotion. But with Mrs. Claus usually hitting the North Pole’s glass ceiling, some writers started to push back.

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