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Articles on Marketing

Displaying 341 - 360 of 427 articles

William Boyd’s latest protagonist. Land Rover Our Planet

Literature’s long love affair with product placement

Best-selling novelist William Boyd’s decision to take a commission from Land Rover to write a short story might strike some as a sell-out of the highest order. Indeed, some publishers and writers claim…
Sainsbury’s Christmas ad has been criticised for using World War I to serve its bottom line. Sainsbury's

Selling charity at Christmas, from Sainsbury’s to Band Aid

Sainsbury’s Christmas advert has stoked considerable controversy. It involves a cinematic re-telling of the “Christmas Truce”, where Allied and German soldiers ceased fighting on Christmas Day and played…
Philip Kotler says the rise of social media is challenging the concept of brand loyalty. Gabriel Chmielewski/Mays Communications

Q&A: Philip Kotler on whether traditional marketing is dead

International marketing expert Philip Kotler is in Melbourne this week telling Australian companies how best to position their brands in the face of new global challenges. These challenges include the…
As with its staff uniform, Qantas’ new advertising campaign lacks a unique brand identity. Dean Lewins/AAP

Teary Qantas ad campaign not the branding the airline needs

With its new “Feels like home” campaign, Australian airline Qantas is seeking to “rekindle that emotional connection Australians have with the airline”. Improvements in staff morale and company yield are…
Facebook users willingly spread marketing messages on behalf of food and beverage corporations. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Digital junk: food and beverage marketing on Facebook

We all know obesity is a common, serious, and costly health issue. But while government action has stalled and the debate rages on about how best to combat this growing public health disaster, junk food…
Aldi and Lidl bring with them all kinds of new competition in the supermarket wars. PA/PA Wire

New problems posed for big brands by discount supermarkets

The decline of big supermarkets in the face of brutal competition from discount retailers like Aldi and Lidl has been widely discussed. But, as shoppers move away from conventional ways of shopping, little…
Remember when the airline seat with extra leg room was free? Shutterstock

Why ‘free’ will eventually cost you

Remember the days when free really was free? When reading a news article to the end didn’t mean having to get over, around or through a paywall. Or when loyalty schemes actually rewarded loyalty with decent…
Consumers make subconscious decisions on what to consume. Zoe/Flickr

Emotions and eating: a marketer’s dream?

Both research and popular media tell us that emotions and eating are intrinsically related. How many times have we seen a character in a TV show reaching for the ice-cream tub when feeling particularly…
You can shine light on a dog, but it’s still a dog. cabancreative/Flickr

Most ‘big data’ marketing is a waste of time, and here’s why

A passer-by happens upon a drunk searching for a lost wallet under a streetlight. With nothing in plain sight, the passer-by asks “Where did you drop your wallet?”. “Over there,” gestures the drunk across…
Damien Hirst, whose work Virgin Mother III is pictured here, has learned the lessons of personal branding. Suzanne Gerber

Survive in the art world: market the brand, sell the product

Artists such as Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali, and more recently Damien Hirst and Jeff Koons, are regularly held up as masters of self-marketing and as global artist brands. Koons, for example, is feted on…
Do you have permission for this shrine? EPA

Shock marketing reached new lows with MH17 trademarking

Just hours after MH17 crashed into fields in eastern Ukraine, a mysterious Malaysian company filed an application with authorities in Australia to trademark the doomed plane’s flight number. If accepted…

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