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Artikel-artikel mengenai Chronic diseases

Menampilkan 141 - 160 dari 187 artikel

Almost two-thirds of over-65s have three or more diagnosed chronic conditions. Mostovyi Sergii Igorevich/Shutterstock

Can Medicare sustain the health of our ageing population?

Over-65s use twice as many health resources as the average Australian. But it’s worth the expense.
Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological conditions in the world. from

Epilepsy: sorting the myths from the facts of a common disorder

Saying someone has epilepsy is a little like saying they’re ill. Its cause can vary from a brain tumour to an inherited genetic condition, the consequence of injury or a disorder affecting the brain.
Older people are more likely to drop out of the workforce for good when they’re sick than young people. Bacho/Shutterstock

Balancing the health budget: chronic disease investment pays big dividends

Economic modelling shows that policies to reduce chronic diseases can have large economic benefits –A$4.5 billion a year for diabetes alone – by reducing health costs and boosting the workforce.
The economic cost of workplace injury and death equals about 4% of the world’s gross domestic product. Jens Schott Knudsen/Flickr

Dying for work: the changing face of work-related injuries

Work has a very important role in health and well-being but it can also be a major risk factor for poor health, disability, and even death.
Despite widespread condemnation, Tony Abbott has defended suggesting people living in remote communities are making a ‘lifestyle choice.’ AAP/Lukas Coch

Don’t be surprised by Abbott’s comments about ‘lifestyle choices’

Abbott’s claim that people in remote communities are making a “lifestyle choice” reveals an underlying view that social circumstances are the responsibility of individuals, rather than societies.
New Zealand’s got more for export than lamb and All Blacks.

NHS: lessons from New Zealand on how to integrate care

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt has said he wants to develop “integrated care organisations” in the English NHS, with NHS hospital trusts taking a lead role in forming them. This has been challenged, quite…

Gum disease linked to chronic health problems

Researchers have found that treating gum disease (periodontal disease) may reduce heart disease, diabetes and other conditions…
Life expectancy continues to rise, and years lived with disability decline. Ozgur Coskun/Shutterstock

Australia’s Health 2014 report card: experts respond

Australians have one the longest life expectancies in the world but are living with growing levels of lifestyle-induced chronic illness, according to the latest national health report card. The Australian…
Discussions of erectile function can be challenging but it’s important for more than your sex life. Tom Small/Flickr

Erectile dysfunction may be more than just a problem in bed

Erection problems are common but they can be embarrassing for men to discuss with partners and doctors. The sales of erection drugs on the internet or billboard advertising are boosted by keeping erectile…
Antioxidants are often portrayed as the good forces that fight evil free radicals. Markus Lütkemeyer

Health Check: the untrue story of antioxidants vs free radicals

Antioxidants are a commonly promoted feature of health foods and supplements. They’re portrayed as the good forces that fight free radicals – nasty molecules causing damage thought to hasten ageing and…
Nearly a third of agriculture workers are over 55. Image from

A more sustainable Australia: staying in work as we age

**A more sustainable Australia* As we hit the half-way mark of the 2013 election campaign, we’ve asked academics to look at some of the long-term issues affecting Australia – the issues that will shape…

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