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Artikel-artikel mengenai Investment

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Barnaby Joyce of the Nationals and Senator Nick Xenophon and his team may have more influence post election. Alan Porritt/AAP

Business Briefing: are Hanson, NXT and the Nationals bad for business?

Business Briefing: Hanson, NXT and The Nationals, bad for business? The Conversation14,8 MB (download)
The newly elected Senate crossbenchers and a stronger Nationals representation could mean bad news for trade deals but good news for local industry.
Airlines have saved energy by changing flight routes and modifying wings for better fuel use. Plane image from

Reducing energy use is a big winner for business and the climate

Companies could improve their profits 2-10% each year by saving energy, according to a world-first attempt to assess energy performance.
Participatory community mapping and community land protection can yield tangible results for poor and vulnerable populations. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Next steps to strengthen global land governance

Making land governance work in practice is easier said than done. The process of agreeing to international guidelines has been intensely political – as is their implementation.
The proposed changes to the Corporations Act might protect investors in crowd funding but it limits the types of businesses that can use these platforms. From

Crowd-sourced funding: Australia needs to learn from Italy’s mistakes

The Italian government tried to limit the type of companies that could use crowd-sourced funding with poor results, Australia can learn from this.
What can a trader learn from a tweet? Reuters

Can Twitter help you beat the stock market?

Real-time analysis of Twitter data has been successfully used to predict elections, flu outbreaks and box-office results. So could it also be used on the stock market?
Muhammadu Buhari has finally put in place a cabinet that can get on with the job of running the country. EPA/Deji Yake

The strategic business of running Nigeria can now begin

President Buhari’s cabinet selection brings hope. The major challenge now is to deliver on his promise to fight corruption, restructure Nigeria’s economy and reduce poverty.

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