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Ads that appear in broadsheet newspapers continue to have more appeal than their annoying, online counterparts. 'Laptop,' via

How native advertisements could be the solution to the internet’s bad-ad problem

Many readers can’t tell the difference between native ads and editorial content. So will a web publisher’s credibility take a hit if it ‘goes native’ with its ad strategy?
The product placement is obvious, but are viewers aware that it is paid for? And do they care? AmazingPhil

Why product placement on YouTube can’t be regulated like television

Names like Zoella, Caspar, Alfie Deyes, and Tanya Burr might not trip off the tongue for the over 35s, but they are among the vloggers (video bloggers, that is) at the vanguard of radical changes in the…
William Boyd’s latest protagonist. Land Rover Our Planet

Literature’s long love affair with product placement

Best-selling novelist William Boyd’s decision to take a commission from Land Rover to write a short story might strike some as a sell-out of the highest order. Indeed, some publishers and writers claim…
Corporations are looking for new and inventive ways to get their message out. Shutterstock

Native advertising a media credibility crisis in waiting

Advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In the final piece in our series, we look at the lack of regulation around such “embedded” content. UK media…
Media outlets have free speech rights, but not when they’re trying to sell you something. Shutterstock

Beyond free speech: the thin layer of regulation on native advertising

In the endless drive to get people’s attention, advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In this Native Advertising series we find out what it looks…
Despite claims of independence, academics that work closely with industry often have their views unconsciously shaped. Fellowship of the Rich/Flickr

Academics on the payroll: the advertising you don’t see

In the endless drive to get people’s attention, advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In this Native Advertising series we find out what it looks…
Native ad publishers such as Taboola use attention-seeking photos to attract readers. Patrick Howe

Recommended for you? Don’t bet on it: the ‘native’ ad invasion

In the endless drive to get people’s attention, advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In this Native Advertising series we find out what it looks…
We could soon be asking if pop-up ads are that bad. Shutterstock

Tired of pop-up ads? The ‘native’ alternative could be worse

In the endless drive to get people’s attention, advertising is going ‘native’, creeping in to places formerly reserved for editorial content. In this Native Advertising series we find out what it looks…

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