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Artikel-artikel mengenai Nutrients

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 60 artikel

Mushrooms for many are just an addition to a slice of pizza, but the fungi are now gaining a reputation for their nutrients. Subbatina Anna/

How the lowly mushroom is becoming a nutritional star

Mushrooms, long popular on pizza and in cooking, are getting more attention for their health benefits. Here are some reasons you might want to add them to your grocery list and not just your pizza.
Frozen, dried and freeze-dried fruit are certainly convenient. But are they as good for you as fresh fruit? from

Health Check: what’s better for you, fresh, dried or frozen fruit?

Dried and frozen fruit contain more sugar than their fresh equivalents. So, why do we think they’re healthy?
Women (and their partners) can give their baby the best start in life by eating well even before they conceive. from

Five ways to boost your nutrition before pregnancy

Thinking about trying for a baby? Then now is the time for you and your partner to “spring clean” your food and lifestyle habits.
Harmful algal bloom caused by nutrient pollution, Assateague island National Seashore, MD. Eric Vance, U.S. EPA/Flickr

Reducing water pollution with microbes and wood chips

Excess nutrients from farm fields cause widespread water pollution across the U.S. Bioreactors – essentially, ditches filled with wood chips – are emerging as a way to reduce nutrient pollution.
Modern day ecology involves large collaborations, such as this team at the Ethabuka South Site as part of the Nutrient Network. Glenda Wardle

Gone is the solitary genius – science today is a group effort

Where once scientists used to be solitary creatures, today science is a highly collaborative affair, and the latest research in ecology is no exception.
The main thrust of the advisory committee’s report is that diets should be focused on whole foods, not specific nutrients. U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr

Expert is as expert does: in defence of US dietary guidelines

National dietary guidelines have become an easy target for those looking for a scapegoat for bad diets in rich countries. And a BMJ article about draft US guidelines adds further fuel for the fire.
A flood plume containing sediments, nutrients and pesticides flowing onto the Great Barrier Reef from Bundaberg. AAP Image/James Cook University

Cloudy issue: we need to fix the Barrier Reef’s murky waters

Successive plans to curb the sediments, nutrients and pesticides flowing into the waters around the Great Barrier Reef have fallen short, leaving the corals that call the reef home highly vulnerable.
Undue emphasis on individual nutrients rather than on the diet as a whole leads to an unhealthy reductionism that has no scientific basis. U.S. Department of Agriculture/Flickr

Health Check: eat food, not (blockbuster) nutrients

Turmeric is said to be the latest “blockbuster nutrient”, helpful for “everything from heart disease to Alzheimers, asthma to arthritis.” But is there any scientific evidence behind this claim, or is it…
Darkness visible: we’re driving animals to extinction, burning through resources, and throwing out natural balances, yet consumption still reigns. Flickr/NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center

State of the future: challenge one; sustainable development and climate change

State of the Future 2012, a quick introduction What is the “state of the future”? How successfully are we tackling global challenges threatening our collective future? These questions are asked annually…

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