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Artikel-artikel mengenai Nutrition

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Your genetic make up interacts with what you eat to either promote or harm good health. Mark Lucock

Nutrigenomics: how nutrition and genetics impact health

A month ago, I returned to Australia from a trip to Burma. After four weeks in the country, I’d acclimatised to the culture, cuisine and people. My conditioning was so complete that on my return, I was…
Soft, surface-ripened cheeses, such as Brie and Camembert, are most likely to transmit listeriosis. Shutterstock/Jiri Hera

Understanding the recent listeria-linked cheese recall

Soft cheeses made by Jindi were recently recalled in Victoria, after they were linked to the deaths of three adults, a miscarriage, and a score of other cases of “listeriosis”. The case is a reminder of…
Eggs are an inexpensive source of high quality protein, as well as being rich in minerals and vitamins. Christopher/Flickr

Settling the debate about whether eggs are good for you

Eating egg yolks is similar to smoking for the damage it does to your arteries, according to a Canadian study published in the scientific journal Atherosclerosis. But how seriously should you take this…
Researchers can now explain exactly how Popeye got superhuman strength from spinach. Marius Watz

Popeye vindicated – why spinach is good for you

Researchers have finally caught up with the wisdom of mothers, who, for decades have been coaxing their children to eat spinach. We know this leafy green is a good source of folate, a very important B…
The browning of apples illustrates how natural sugars in foods modify proteins and amino acids. quinn.anya/Flickr

Open wide: are ‘healthy’ food choices making us sick?

Educated, wealthy and living longer than ever before – or are we? Have you noticed that despite people often making healthy food choices, we are developing chronic diseases at much higher rates? A number…
Australia needs a tax on unhealthy foods that covers more than just fat content. Flickr/ms Tea

Is a ‘fat tax’ the answer to Australia’s obesity crisis?

Australia should follow the lead of Denmark and consider taxing foods high in saturated fats to curb the nation’s growing obesity problem, Greens leader Bob Brown said at yesterday’s tax forum. This week…
Higher maternal diet quality in the year before pregnancy was associated with lower risk for neural tube defects, the study found. Flickr/Aldo Risolvo

Eating well before pregnancy linked to lower birth defect risk

Women who stick to a healthy diet in the year before falling pregnant may be less likely to have a baby with birth defects, a new study has found. Doctors have long counseled pregnant women to consider…
Improving diet can improve mental health outcomes, the study found. Flickr/PinkStock Photos!

Poor diet linked to teen mental health problems

Adolescents who eat unhealthily are more likely to develop mental health problems than those with good diets, a new study has found However, switching to a better diet could improve mental health, according…

All hail the humble, healthy potato

Researchers have found that a couple servings of potatoes a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without…
Support from the ‘fatosphere’ has inspired some to try things they would not have done before, such as take up swimming. Flickr/jooleeah_stahkey

Study finds fat acceptance blogs can improve health outcomes

“Fat acceptance” blogs urging overweight people to shed negative feelings about their body image can lead to healthier diet and exercise choices, a study has found. The fat acceptance movement, which seeks…
The study found that only 50% to 60% of children are getting enough omega-3 fatty acids, such as those found in fish. Flickr/adactio

Half of Australia’s kids not getting enough omega-3 brain foods

Only 50% to 60% of Australian children are eating enough omega-3 fatty acids, which are commonly found in fish and crucial for brain development, a University of Wollongong study has found. Researchers…
Hypoallergenic formula milk is no better than cow’s milk in preventing allergies, a study found. Flickr/NerissaRing

Hypoallergenic baby formula does not reduce allergy risk

Hypoallergenic infant formula is no more effective than regular cow’s milk at reducing the risk a baby will develop allergies, a new study has found. Partially hydrolysed whey formulas (pHWFs), which contain…

Doing your nut helps diabetes

Eating nuts helps control diabetes and prevents some consequences of the condition, according to University of Toronto researchers…
Living close to fast food outlets drives up junk food consumption, a US study found. But Australian researchers say that’s not necessarily the Antipodean experience. Fotopedia/Marius Mézerette

Fast food neighbourhoods linked to junk diet in the U.S.

Living near fast food outlets leads to higher consumption of junk foods but living close to supermarkets stocked with fruit and vegetables doesn’t mean a healthier diet, a U.S. study has found. However…

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