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Artikel-artikel mengenai Oral health

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Families who are around at mealtimes can check their relatives are swallowing food properly and alert nursing home staff if there’s a problem. from

The shocking state of oral health in our nursing homes, and how family members can help

Poor oral health in our nursing homes can lead to many complications, including choking to death. Here’s how family and staff can help advocate for better care.
While flossing may not be fun, it is still good for you. From

The flossing flap: Mind your dentist, and floss every night

Millions smiled last week when it was reported that there’s no evidence to support the flossing of teeth. A dentist sees it differently and suggests we continue the practice.
A man receives dental treatment at Care Harbor LA, a free medical clinic in Los Angeles, California, October 31, 2013. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

The cavity in health insurance coverage: oral health

The absence of comprehensive dental care exacts a toll on millions of Americans in terms of poor health, pain and the social stigma associated with bad teeth.
Most gum disease is preventable through good dental hygiene. Inside and Out/Flickr

Health Check: why do my gums bleed and should I be worried?

Bleeding gums are very common but that doesn’t mean you should ignore them. They’re usually a sign of gum (periodontal) disease. If treated in its early stages, periodontal disease can be easily reversed…
Oral diseases are a significant burden on many people. Tess Heder

How much is general health affected by oral health?

Bad oral health can have a significant negative impact on people’s quality of life. It can also affect other diseases that they may be suffering. But whether oral ill-health causes general health problems…

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