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Artikel-artikel mengenai Type 2 diabetes

Menampilkan 41 - 60 dari 144 artikel

A man with ALS uses a head-mounted laser pointer to communicate with his wife, by pointing to letters and words on a communication board. Fezcat via

ALS scientific breakthrough: Diabetes drug metformin shows promise in mouse study for a common type of ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a crippling, progressive neurodegenerative disease for which there is no cure. Now it seems that a diabetes drug may help some cases.
A successful pregnancy if you have diabetes comes down to planning and making sure you have the right health-care team behind you. from

Diabetes and pregnancy can be a tricky (but achievable) mix: 6 things to think about if you want a baby and 1 if you don’t

Women with diabetes are at high risk of pregnancy complications. But there is a lot women can do to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
For women who have had gestational diabetes, maintaining a healthy diet can help lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later on. From

Had gestational diabetes? Here are 5 things to help lower your future risk of type 2 diabetes

Women who have had gestational diabetes during pregnancy are at higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. But regular checks, a healthy diet and exercise are can help to manage this risk.
Eating a low-carbohydrate breakfast could help curb cravings for treats later in the day – a simple and powerful strategy not just for those with Type 2 diabetes, but for anyone looking to improve their diet. (Shutterstock)

Forget toast and oatmeal, low-carb breakfasts reduce sugar spikes in those with Type 2 diabetes

New research shows that eating a low-carbohydrate breakfast both reduces sugar spikes in the morning and reduces cravings for sweet foods in the evening, in people with Type 2 diabetes.
Smartphones make great citizen research tools. We take them everywhere and they have the functions (GPS, accelerometers, camera, audio, video) to sense, share and mobilize data between consenting citizens. (Shutterstock)

How your smartphone can encourage active living

We blame electronic devices for our increasingly sedentary behaviours. So why not harness them to study our movement patterns and tackle urgent health crises?

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