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Concordia University

Concordia University defines next-generation education by anticipating the future of what a university can and should be. Our research and teaching is daring, transformative and distinct with a “big thinking” approach that examines societal issues from an expansive, interdisciplinary perspective. Concordia is an open and engaged university that encourages students to become active, critical and global citizens. As part of Montreal’s fabric, we are deeply connected to the city — and we are deeply connected to the world at large. More than 46,000 students choose Concordia each year. Globally, we have nearly 200,000 graduates.

L’Université Concordia vous invite à sauter dans le monde de l’éducation nouvelle génération. Tournés vers l’avenir, nous savons ce qu’une université peut et doit être. Nos recherches et notre enseignement sont non seulement uniques et audacieux, mais aussi en constante évolution. Nous voyons grand, voilà pourquoi nous examinons les enjeux sociaux d’un point de vue global et interdisciplinaire. Concordia est une université ouverte et engagée qui encourage ses étudiants et étudiantes à devenir des citoyens du monde impliqués et critiques. Nos racines sont montréalaises et notre ADN est profondément lié à cette ville, mais notre regard, lui, est tourné vers le monde entier. Plus de 46 000 étudiants choisissent Concordia chaque année, ce qui fait en sorte que nous avons globalement près de 200 000 diplômés aux quatre coins de la planète.


Displaying 261 - 280 of 484 articles

An estimated 29 million mammals are killed each year on European roads. (Shutterstock)

Wildlife can be saved from becoming roadkill with a new tool that finds the best locations for fences

Roads and traffic are causing massive mortality of wild animals worldwide and the road network is rapidly expanding. Can the wildlife death toll be stopped?
Des partisans du mouvement QAnon manifestent contre les mesures prises par le gouvernement roumain pour empêcher la propagation de la Covid-19, lors d'un rassemblement à Bucarest en août. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

QAnon est banni de Facebook, mais la bataille contre les théories du complot n'est pas gagnée

Facebook et YouTube tentent d’arrêter la propagation des conspirations QAnon, mais les membres de la communauté ont trouvé de nouvelles façons de promouvoir de fausses théories sur les médias sociaux.
Romanian supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theories shout slogans against the government’s measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections, like wearing a face mask, during a rally in Bucharest in August. (AP Photo/Vadim Ghirda)

Facebook, YouTube moves against QAnon are only a first step in the battle against dangerous conspiracy theories

Facebook and YouTube have brought in measures to stop the spread of dangerous QAnon conspiracies, but members of the Q community have found new ways to promote false theories on social media.
La recherche faite par les femmes, souvent plus qualitative, est plus vulnérable aux effets du confinement. shutterstock

La pandémie pourrait avoir un impact sur la place des femmes dans nos universités

Comme le poids des tâches familiales est davantage porté par les femmes, les professeures peinent à dégager la marge de manœuvre nécessaire à la production d’articles scientifiques.
A newsboy holds up a newspaper with a banner headline reporting the invoking of the War Measures Act on Oct. 16, 1970, following the kidnapping of British diplomat James Cross and Québec Labour Minister Pierre Laporte by the FLQ. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Peter Bregg

The powerful message of the FLQ’s October manifesto

After the FLQ manifesto was broadcast in October 1970, Québecers felt uplifted. It expressed many of their concerns. That changed after Pierre Laporte was found dead in the trunk of a car.
Le présentateur Gaetan Montreuil lit le manifeste du FLQ, le 8 octobre 1970, sur les ondes de Radio-Canada. Radio-Canada

Le puissant message du Manifeste d’Octobre 1970

Le manifeste comporte 4 éléments communs aux grands discours politiques de l’histoire : le cadre; la dialectique de la colère et de l’espoir; la personnalisation des problèmes; la reprise en main.
Many factors contributed to students’ need for personalized accommodation and support to achieve academically during rapid transitions online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Shutterstock

Online learning during COVID-19: 8 ways universities can improve equity and access

A study documents how universities’ centres for teaching and learning are responding to helping faculty create quality online courses for all students.
The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in increased adoption of communication and network technologies. (Shutterstock)

Digital technologies will help build resilient communities after the coronavirus pandemic

Internet technologies and the devices that enable information access and transfer are useful in crisis management. Accessing these readily available digital technologies can help community resiliency.
WE Charity’s Marc Kielburger, left, and Craig Kielburger, right, appear as witnesses via videoconference at a House of Commons finance committee hearing in Ottawa in July 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

WE Charity demise shows why trust, transparency are so critical for NGOs

On paper, WE Charity could have been the best partner to implement the federal government’s student grant program. But the failure to be transparent eroded the public’s trust and led to its demise.
En ces temps de pandémie, faire des conserves, c’est détenir une compétence, un savoir-faire. C’est avoir une prise sur le concret. Shutterstock

En temps de pandémie, voici ce que dit notre engouement pour les conserves

Dans des temps incertains et difficiles, la cuisine devient une valeur refuge. Elle propose un but simple à atteindre, scande le temps, nous plonge dans le concret et stimule nos sens.
When daycares and schools closed during the pandemic, it caused burdens for working parents, particularly mothers. What is the responsibility of organizations to employees with children struggling with child care issues? (Christopher Ryan/Unsplash)

Employers should help workers struggling with child care during COVID-19

COVID-19 has spotlighted structural injustice inherent in child care in Canada. Organizational leaders have a responsibility to work together, with child care stakeholders, to redress this injustice.
Apercevoir le bébé ou l'animal de compagnie d'un collègue peut aider à humaniser les lieux de travail et à rendre les collègues plus compréhensifs et empathiques - une conséquence positive du phénomène du travail à distance alimenté par la pandémie. Shutterstock

La Covid-19 aura-t-elle un impact positif et durable sur les milieux de travail ?

Le travail à distance est là pour de bon, et il aura probablement un impact durable sur la façon dont travaillent les gens, notamment en rendant public leur espace privé.
Catching a glimpse of a co-worker’s baby or pet can help humanize workplaces and make colleagues more understanding and empathetic — one positive byproduct of the pandemic-fuelled remote work phenomenon. (Shutterstock)

COVID-19 could have a lasting, positive impact on workplace culture

Working from home during the COVID-19 lockdown has caused a relaxation in traditional workplace rules, giving rise to a virtual workplace that is more flexible and humane.
New guidelines for health-care providers advise supporting every individual to achieve their best health, rather than focusing on weight status. (Shutterstock)

Are we over weight yet? New guidelines aim to reduce obesity stigma in health care

New Canadian clinical practice guidelines for obesity aim to help reduce the prevalence and impact of weight bias and stigma in clinical care, and also encourage the public to advocate for change.
Preliminary research has found that people are increasingly incorporating new behaviours — including technology-based ones — into their sex lives during the coronavirus pandemic. (Shutterstock)

Cybersex, erotic tech and virtual intimacy are on the rise during COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic affected many aspects of everyday life — including our sex lives. But erotic technologies are gaining wider acceptance as we look for ways to fulfill our desires for intimacy.
A man holds a sign that reads ‘Q-Nited We Stand’ during a gun-rights rally held in Seattle in 2018. The QAnon community has moved from the fringes of the internet to mainstream politics in less than three years. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

QAnon conspiracy theory followers step out of the shadows and may be headed to Congress

Believers of QAnon fringe conspiracy theories have moved into the mainstream political arena, including several who will be running as Republican candidates in the U.S. elections this fall.
Un volontaire de la Croix-Rouge canadienne entre dans une tente d'un hôpital mobile à l'aréna Jacques Lemaire, à LaSalle, le 26 avril. Des zones «chaudes» et «froides» y ont été aménagées. La Presse Canadienne/Graham Hughes

Zones chaudes et froides : la vie et la mort dans un hôpital luttant contre la Covid-19 à Montréal

L’aumônier d’un hôpital de Montréal raconte les soins spirituels qu’il offre aux patients et aux familles, ainsi qu’au personnel, qui se sont trouvés plus intimement exposés à la vie et à la mort.


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