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Monash University

Change has been the driving force of Monash University’s growth and success for more than 60 years as we have strived to make a positive difference in the world, and it’s the foundation of our future as we redefine what it means to be a university.

Our Impact 2030 strategic plan charts the path for how we will actively contribute to addressing three key global challenges of the age – climate change, geopolitical security and thriving communities – through excellent research and education for the benefit of national and global communities.

With four Australian campuses, as well as campuses in Malaysia and Indonesia, major presence in India and China, and a significant centre and research foundation in Italy, our global network enriches our education and research, and nurtures enduring, diverse global relationships.

We harness the research and expertise of our global network of talent and campuses to produce tangible, real-world solutions and applications at the Monash Technology Precinct, where our ethos of change catalyses collaboration between researchers, infrastructure and industry, and drives innovation through commercial opportunities that deliver positive impact to human lives.

In our short history, we have skyrocketed through global university rankings and established ourselves consistently among the world’s best tertiary institutions. We rank in the world’s top-50 universities in the QS World University Rankings 2024, Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023 and US News and World Report (USNWR) Best Global Universities Rankings 2022-23.

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Displaying 721 - 740 of 3985 articles

Poster showing ‘The Leader of the Luddites’ (1812) Wikimedia Commons

I’m a Luddite. You should be one too

Why a workers’ rebellion in 19th-century England is relevant in the age of data extraction, gig labour and management by algorithm.

Yes, a few climate models give unexpected predictions – but the technology remains a powerful tool

An article in the eminent US magazine Science has triggered debate over whether scientists should use climate models. Here’s what you should know about climate models ahead of today’s IPCC report.
Sebuah desa di pinggiran ibu kota Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar, terkena banjir pada tahun 2019. RISE program, foto oleh Noor Ilhamsyah.

Bagaimana ilmuwan dan masyarakat dapat bekerja sama untuk menangani banjir: pelajaran dari Indonesia

Penduduk daerah rawan banjir telah mengandalkan kearifan lokal dan dukungan masyarakat untuk menangani banjir selama berabad-abad. Bisakah para ilmuwan bekerja dengan mereka untuk lebih memahami banjir?
A village in the periphery of South Sulawesi’s capital, Makassar, affected by floods in 2019. RISE program, photograph by Noor Ilhamsyah.

How scientists and communities can build partnerships to deal with floods: learning from Indonesia

Residents of flood-prone areas have been counting on local knowledge and community support to deal with floods for centuries. Can scientists work with them to better understand floods?
Seorang petugas kesehatan merawat pasien COVID-19 di Aceh. ANTARA FOTO/Syifa Yulinnas/rwa.

Indonesia dapat bermitra dengan Australia untuk kembangkan rantai pasok layanan kesehatan digital dalam hadapi pandemi COVID-19

Penelitian terbaru kami menyarankan Indonesia agar bermitra dengan negara maju seperti Australia untuk membangun rantai pasok layanan kesehatan yang tangguh dan responsif berbasis teknologi digital.


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