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The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity

The Doherty Institute is a world-class institute combining research, teaching, public health and reference laboratory services, diagnostic services and clinical care into infectious diseases and immunity. The establishment of the Doherty Institute represents a radical change in the capacity of Australia and the world to detect, investigate and respond to existing, emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and agents, with a major focus on diseases that pose serious public and global health threats such as influenza, tuberculosis, HIV, viral hepatitis and drug resistant bacteria. The Doherty’s activities are multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral, placing great emphasis on translational research and improving clinical outcomes. Teams of interdisciplinary scientists, clinicians and epidemiologists collaborate on a wide spectrum of activities - from basic immunology and discovery research, to the development of new vaccines and new preventative and treatment methods, to surveillance and investigation of disease outbreaks.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 72 articles

L'épisode de grippe aviaire actuel est le plus important jamais mesuré. Pordee_Aomboon/Shutterstock

Grippe aviaire : que savons-nous des risques de contamination et de transmission chez l’humain ?

La grippe aviaire connaît une épidémie d’un niveau inédit, et des victimes humaines ont été confirmées. Quand une maladie animale peut-elle frapper notre espèce ? Quels sont les risques ?

Paxlovid is Australia’s first-line COVID antiviral but Lagevrio also prevents severe disease in over-70s

Analysis of Victoria’s winter COVID wave found Paxlovid and Lagevrio reduced the risk of hospitalisation and death. The results were better for Paxlovid, but not everyone can take it.

We studied how to reduce airborne COVID spread in hospitals. Here’s what we learnt

We found two small air cleaners in a single hospital room could clear 99% of potentially infectious COVID aerosols within 5.5 minutes.


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