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University of Sydney

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney was Australia’s first tertiary education institution. It is committed to maximising the potential of its students, teachers and researchers for the benefit of Australia and the wider world.


Displaying 1581 - 1600 of 4809 articles

The United Nations (UN) has called for the empowerment of persons with disabilities so they are not only involved but also can lead in disaster management. Their leadership is vital to ensure that every disaster response also meets the need of persons with disabilities.

3 ways to encourage people with disabilities to be involved in leading disaster responses

Encouraging people with disabilities to lead in the emergency response is vital if we want to prevent more people becoming disabled, or dying, as a result of disaster.
Seorang pria penyandang disabilitas di Jakarta. Penting untuk memberikan keterampilan, kepercayaan diri, dan jejaring bagi para aktivis disabilitas untuk terus berkampanye demi penerapan hukum secara penuh.

Riset: dua tahun UU disahkan, aktivis nilai banyak pejabat tak paham disabilitas

Riset kami pada tahun 2018 menunjukkan keengganan pejabat pemerintahan lokal dalam melaksanakan Undang-Undang tentang Penyandang Disabiltas yang baru.
A man with a disability is seen in Jakarta. It is important to provide disability activists with skills, confidence and networks to continue campaigning for the full implementation of the law.

Research: changing Indonesian officials’ attitudes on disability issues takes time

Our 2018 research on the implementation of the new disability law shows that policymakers are still reluctant to implement the law.
Australia is home to many new species, including wild camels found nowhere else on Earth.

Non-native species should count in conservation – even in Australia

Species counts drive conservation science and policy, yet a major component of biodiversity is excluded from the data: non-native species.
The government seems not to have sought independent legal advice before demanding the repayment of debts it couldn’t prove were owned. Shutterstock

Robodebt failed its day in court, what now?

The Commonwealth has conceded that its program of automatic debt collection was unlawful. It’ll probably have to pay the money back.
Too many informal carers have to choose between giving their older mum or dad the care they need and dropping out of the workforce. Shutterstock

Carers’ leave could help us look after elderly parents and stay in work

A new system of carers’ leave would allow middle-aged Australians to care for their ageing parents while staying in the workforce.
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia was founded in 1928 as an employers’ organisation for the owners of community pharmacies. From

What is the Pharmacy Guild of Australia and why does it wield so much power?

The Pharmacy Guild represents the owners of community pharmacies around the country. Their reach into every community and large political donations make them more powerful than other lobby groups.
When the cash rate hits 0.25% the governor will pause for breath. After that he will buy state and federal government bonds, pushing longer term interest rates down towards zero. Shutterstock

Now we know. The Reserve Bank has spelled out what it will do when rates approach zero

In a speech broadcast live on the Reserve Bank website, the governor explained how quantitative easing would work. He won’t try it until the cash rate hits 0.25%.
While leaks and whistleblowers continue to be valuable tools in the fight for data privacy, we can’t rely on them solely to keep big tech companies in check. SHUTTERSTOCK

The ugly truth: tech companies are tracking and misusing our data, and there’s little we can do

Most of us are probably having our data tracked in some form. And while there are regulatory safeguards in place to protect user privacy, it’s hard to say whether these are enough.
No, a DNA swab can’t tell you if you’re gay, or likely to be obese, or depressed. And it can be damaging to believe so. Shutterstock

‘Gay gene’ testing apps aren’t just misleading – they’re dangerous

Genetic apps claim to reveal fundamental insights about your health, well-being, and even intellect. But it’s not just spurious science - believing these traits are genetic can have harmful consequences.
It’s difficult to recall what you might need as you’re preparing to evacuate, so have your kit ready to go. New Africa/Shutterstock

Evacuating with a baby? Here’s what to put in your emergency kit

Babies are particularly vulnerable in emergencies, especially in hot weather. Here’s what your emergency kit needs to ensure they stay hydrated if you have to evacuate or you lose power or water.


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